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hacked in bunkers, US 2317...god mode on

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South of the northwest airfield there is non stop gunfire from hackers with god mode on. Myself and 2 clan members were on the server looking for vehicles when the screen "reloaded" and there was a mega sized bunker "hacked in" and people shooting off relentlessly in all directions with unlimited rounds. We literally listened to rounds going off for about 45 minutes...its a server with name plates...conveniently we were killed at the same exact time just shortly ago. I dont really care about dying...I have my own camp I can semi-replenish at...however this hacking is ridiculous. Check it out...south of NWAF you will hear gunfire as if you are landing in Normandy.

good luck

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I'd honestly love to be there, the video that you could make out of that would be simply amazing.

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I'm really not that involved to make a video of it. I was literally listening to bullets whizzing by my head and my clan-mates heads...you know the sound provided you've been in a fire fight. Just limitless amounts...pretty cool honestly but its also annoying cause its cheap.

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