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US 1858 Shutting down

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US 1858 will be shutting down on the 31st due to the fact that I will not be renewing my service.

We had a great run all the way from the early 25 slot server to when we switched to 40 slot.

I did not make this decission lightly but there have just been to many hackers coming in to ruin the gameplay and thanks to even more strict restricions to admins ability to police their servers I feel that it is just not worth the money I'm shelling out every month just so hackers can come in an ruin the fun for everyone. I have literaly seen half the server running around with as50's magicaly shooting well hidden people in gillies who did nothing to give away their postion, teleports, hacked weapons, our group had a vehicle disappear right in front of us as we were about to get in to pick up one of our guys on the shore, only to have said player on the shore get run over with said vehicle minutes later, server hopping, combat dc, and the list goes on.

So I will bring the server back up tomorrow and it will stay up till the 31st so that anyone who has stuff on the server can get it and move it.

I would like to thank our players for the good times we had. I would also like to say screw you to the hackers for the bad.

If the dev team lifts the admin restrictions or starts to support private servers and hosts actualy start offering them I will consider renting one again, but at this point I just cant afford to put money into a server that If I try to police and make a fair and fun experience for the people on it just to have the butthurt hackers come here to the forums to cry about how they didn't do anything wrong and that I am an abusive admin because "they would never hack or cheat" and some dev or mod coming along and saying unban them so they can keep on hacking it up while laughing in our faces. (not saying this happened to me but I have seen a lot of posts where considering # of crap I have seen on my server just in the past week I would take the admins word for it over the players)

No hard feelings to the devs or mods I know you are just doing your jobs within the rules you have laid out...... but something has to change.

Good luck and beans to you all!

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