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@Rocket; We know the experiment is over, give us a programmer in lieu of you.

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Hey rocket!

We all know you are quite busy with the stand alone, and its understandable. I can safely say that every body can't wait for it.

But meanwhile, the experiment is over, and Im pretty sure you will continu the experiment in the stand alone and not in this mod. Especialy since developing two games at a time is a feat on its own. So, since we both agree that no futher improvements will be done to this mod, can you at least give us ONE programmer so he can fix the current glitch while we wait for the stand alone?

I know you dont have a big team, so perhaps you could hire some volontary progammers from the very talented community willing to fix the game breaking bugs such as;

1: the artifacts

2: the tents and vehicules not saving

3: Desync

4: Hive issues

5: and any other glitchs/bugs that I didn't name...

This mod will never go beyond the ALPHA state, and most probably nothing meaningful will be added to it. So, why not make it enjoyable for your loyal player base? We are not asking for much here, only to play in a decent enviroment while you work on the stand alone.

Thank you for reading.

Edited by daedrick
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Just a clip from the Reddit Q&A with Rocket

Q: I would like to know if the Dayz mod will continue to be updated after the new standalone is released or in the process of beta.

A: Yes, the mod will be much more open than it is now - allowing more projects like Lingor and more freedom for server administrators. The game development will draw ideas off this pool and develop a more standardized experience.

The way I see this, is the mod will be the testing ground for new (and maybe even community created) stuff which will then be implemented in the standalone, if deemed worthy.

Of course all things probably can't be tested within the mod due to the 'new' engine of the standalone, but nonetheless, I approve of this method.

(I also would like to see everything fixed, ASAP. But I've never gotten everything I wanted when I wanted it, so fuck life.)

:edit: Also, 1.7.3 is just around the corner, and I'm pretty sure it'll be more than just dogs. *knocks on wood*



Edited by Sir Diealot

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Kinda true with "nothing meaningful being added". Nothing REAL has been added in months. Just Rocket trying to decide what to do (bandit skin).

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OP, i dont understand how you can say any of what you said..

"voluntary programmers from the very talented community"

.... so many risks in that alone that i dont feel its important to try and debate anything else youve said. If you think its really a good idea, and arent just ranting, maybe you should reply with some kind of game plan full of good ideas and solutions..

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@Sir Diealot; Im sorry, but its bullshit, not what you said, but what rocket said. He haven't made a single post in 2 weeks now. He already have a very small team for the stand alone development, how in the hell could he develop both games at the same time while he already struggled when he was only working on the mod. (Tents fixes and artififacts fixes have been ''fixed'' in patches notes for a while now, yet none have been fixed). Rocket need to be realistic a little, its one thing to think out of the box and make an awesome concept such as DAYZ but its another thing to develop two game at once.

In a perfect world, yeah, the experiment would be on DAYZ MOD and the features that are deemed worthy on DAYZ STAND ALONE but thats magic thinking. He and his team basicly need to work TWICE as much for the same results he could have only developing on DAYZ STANDALONE.

Also, he is aiming for a minecraft model, which mean he will improve on his game as it age, which mean he will do his experiment on that very same game despite what he said in that quote.

Its just a plain unrealistic goal to develop two game at once.

Now, he said that admins and the community will have more power. He also said thatThe game development will draw ideas off this pool. There is a difference between drawing ideas off a mod at the hands of the community and actually experimenting with new features in said mod. From what I understand, the game will be in the hands of the community and whatever the community come with he will get ideas from it. That still leave us with a pretty broken mod... hell Im even afraid that the hive will go and every servers will be different(see moded) but thats another topic. Hopefully his beta will be out when we reach that state with the mod.

@Sonic; Indeed, he was more focused on finding a publisher/dev team than the actual mod, and thats alright, on the long run we will get a better game, but we are still stuck with a broken mod.

@Ganton: A good part of his team are already from the community or people that volonter helping him. The female body is a good exemple. Im only asking for any progammers to help him with the mod while he focus on his game while we wait for it.

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@daedrick You may be entirely correct on what you said, I am not one to comment on what's possible and what's not, from the developer/resource aspect. I mean, I have brains, I know what the 'ballpark' of it is, but I do not have the knowledge.

But I believe I didn't at any point say that Rocket himself should be working on both 'titles' simultaneously and would really prefer Mr.H working mainly with the standalone and have someone else 'take over' the technical side of the mod. (I had assumed this would sort of happen, but apparently not..?) I do agree with you on that the mod needs some serious fixingups, I merely disagreed with (or misinterpreted) the part "no futher improvements will be done to this mod". Just because we haven't seen major improvement (although the artifacts are actually gone for myself) in a while doesn't IMO exclude any/all improvement in the future.

Anyway, what I said, I did say with the utmost optimism, which is most of the time completely out of character for me as I'm pretty much a pessimist trying to convince people I'm a 'realist', but I guess I merely said that because I haven't been this thrilled about a game (concept) in a long time and I really want this all to just work out, both the mod and the standalone.



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Wow, very good post Sir Diealot. I misinterpreted your optimism with naivety, my bad.

Indeed, it should have happenned by itself, but my feeling right now is that rocket is leaving the mod completly to itself and at the mercy of the community, which I disagree with. He should let someone fix the game breaking bugs or fix them himself and leave the game as it is feature wise, thats my opinion at least.

About the artifact, let me guess, you have an ATI card? I suspect it have something to do with non-ati user...

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@daedrick Yeh, np mate :)

Hmm, I'm sort of with you there, BUT: While I agree that rocket/team should fix this asap themselves, if the mod was to be literally opened up to the community, who's to say that 'we' couldn't fix everything up in there..?

I mean, there seems to be so goddamn many experts out there, you'd think that some of them actually would know how to do something..? (I think this may fall into the category of naivety ;) )

And yes, you guessed it. AMD/ATI (6950)



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OP, i dont understand how you can say any of what you said..

"voluntary programmers from the very talented community"

.... so many risks in that alone that i dont feel its important to try and debate anything else youve said. If you think its really a good idea, and arent just ranting, maybe you should reply with some kind of game plan full of good ideas and solutions..

It's not too far fetched to imagine Rocket doing something similar to this. I mean just as an example mind you, look at Mojang and their "recent" hiring of the Bukkit team.

Edited by Sonova

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@Sonova, I believe rocket already have some people from the community on his team. Stuff that came from the community and come to my mind;

Six updater

DAYZ commander

female skin

MOCAP (new zombie animations and sounds)

I dont see how ''hiring'' another programmer so he can work on the bugs of this current version of DAYZ would be too exotic considering what came from the community already.

@Sir Diealot

Only thing Im afraid of, if it is the case, is the game is going to be many mods instead of one. What I mean is that people will mod their DAYZ and the experience from a server to another will be completly different. If its the case, you(generaly speaking) can forget about your character saving on the HIVE

About the video card, yeah, it is a trend, seems like the support to non-ati user is not as good for some reasons. Used to be the other way around, at least it is for most of the recent game.

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Seems like my thread keep sinking and sinking... Its always what happens when people agree with me. I need some people to troll and get trolled to keep this thread up. Start a flame war somebody. :P

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