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Sergeant Squatt

New Map - Смерть всем

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I am proud to announce that as of Friday Me and a small team have been working on a new map for ARMA 2 Mod Day Z and the DayZ Game itself

The Map will be known as Смерть всем

and will be extremely large...

If you would like to help We do need several more things

If you are experienced at how to code spawn points.. zombie spawn points ect.. we need you

If you would like a chance at helping designing the map itself we would love some more help...

If you would like to donate so that we can get a official website and more going... Thatll be amazing'

Please email me at twillams2@gmail.com

Thank You all For reading


Todd Maurer

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What type of area will it be in? Personally I would like one similar to Chernarus, you know that sort of landscape. We also have Lingor which is tropical, and while it's a nice change it's not as fitting I feel.

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It will be based of nothern Cold Snowy Russia (inland) so i guess itll be close to Cheranus but it won't be on the ocean and i'm hoping to add subways and underground things if possible...

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