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jdz (DayZ)

Simple disconnecting fix

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I have posted this in a thread a wee while ago and the idea seemed to get a lot of support.

Why not have a 30 minute egg timer that cannot be epipen fixed if you are either hit or shot at in the last 2 minutes?

To many times have I been punished for not using the noob cannons (.50 cals) just to have people disconnect on me.

I realize this is partially my fault for not making the headshot on the first shot but a lot of the time that was not possible.

Maybe even a 15 minute egg timer? Just seems like such a simple fix and the shock timer would only need to be 2 minutes max

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i agree with your premise but it doesnt need to go that far to stop people disconnecting when you engage them, All that needs to be done is a simple 30 second delay on disconnect, That way they can try and disconnect and hope you miss for 30 seconds or they have to either engage you or run.

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Honestly I think the disconnect issue is bad enough that if you disconnect in any manner while in bleedout/shock (Whatever the 'passed out' thing is called) it should just kill you. So if I shoot a guy and he falls down and passes out then disconnects, he dies and his body is still there for me to loot. Then when he logs back in he just choses his gender and starts over.

It would punish those who have something unfortunate happen while they are passed out like losing internet, or the server crashes. But lets be honest, how much of this game do we spend passed out? Practically none. I think the positive side FAR outweighs the negative side.

Edited by Yatagan
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I've shot people many times for them to get up and run then disconnect. My idea would act more like a deterrent than anything cause lets be honest, no one wants to be unconscious for 30 minutes, especially in a place like Cherno, Elektro, Stary or the NWAF

And so you should pass out of bleeding, you're still disconnecting to avoid death

Edited by jdz

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I like how you make a logical thread on these forums and it gets bumped to the bottom and all of the shit threads sit around the top

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