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Finally a little hope....

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Finally I never thought to see this day come to say I didn't run into bandits in Cherno. I spawned in near the Baltoa airstrip when I ran into the first survivor. Didn't catch his/her name but did tell him/her there was a M24 on top of the ATC tower and I didn't really need it(made my day a little better to help). Once I arrived to Cherno, I had my flashlight out because it was still night out. So went through town a bit never hearing gunshots, but as I got close of being done, I started hearing them. I was stuck in the store and didn't really know which way to exit. They came through the front while I was behind the counter. I said friendly over the mic and they didn't shoot. One of the was in a ghillie suit and they both had snipers. So we talked a little and I asked where they were going, they told me they was just looking for food. So I offered some but they didn't take it. They went on their way and we wished each other luck. But the bad thing is about 2 mins later, I believe I saw one of them die. :( I haven't really had that much luck when it came to running into friendly survivors, but after this event, it gives me a little hope that there are still SOME friendly people out there. I believe their names were Varatex and Shuks. So good luck on your adventures you two and hopefully we'll run into each other again. This time take the food lol. If you do see this, PM me and we will even play sometime if you want.

Edited by FreeLancerLuigi

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The reason you die a lot to bandits is because if you actually use the flashlight you're obviously a noob. People don't understand how visable a flashlight beam is to night vision goggles. The could probably see your light bobbing from the coast, or the top of dobryy. The flashlight beam goes through walls to night vision goggles, so if you're in a building - it's still shining through about 1000 meters of visibility. It's like saying "HERE I AM, I DON'T HAVE A WEAPON OUT, AND I'M NOT VERY EXPERIENCED! EASY KILL." You got lucky in this instance...they didn't find you worth fucking with. However, I surmise that you are your own bandit problem.

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Bandits are his own bandit problem. fresh spawns running around like headless chickens should be left alone.

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Shame something similar happened to me. I was in cherno with medical supplies looking with survivors to team up with the first one i met shot me but then apologised but he got killed my zombies, the second was interesting i was on the roof of the hospital and i turn around and see a ghillie with an as50 and immidiatlly think i will die but he says get down and the second later i hear a sniper shot and he returns fire unfortunately he gets shot and dies i take his as50 and try to kill the sniper and succseeed, the last was a guy who came running up to me bleeding i tried to bandage him but he had too little blood and died, i then got shot and killed. It's good to see there are others out there who are nice but there's definitely some people who will kills you just so you don't go near them.

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Yeah good to see that your coming across some good people now. I personally am one of them. I'll talk to you on voice chat, but as soon as you raise your gun in my direction when i'm NOT pointing a gun at you, I'll turn and shoot. Don't really know if that counts me as a bandit or not, but I look at it is, If you point your gun at me and i see you reloading. Something's not right.

And if this guy wants to use a flashlight. Let him USE a flashlight. He's not complaining about getting killed. Hes just stating he's glad he ran into people while saying "Friendly" And them not shooting..Not once did he say that he doesn't understand why hes getting killed? Or say anything ABOUT getting killled...

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Zooks: who said I even had my flashlight on? I know WAY better to have that on. I have it out so that I can lean around corners duh. Num43: I wasn't running around like a headless chicken. But last night I started a new profile, joined a server with about 30 people. I spawned right outside of Cherno. So for a little laugh, I dropped everything I had including my backpack and ran into town like a mad man. Only made it half way to the construction area before getting shot at. It was pretty funny because they never hit me.

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two different people on the same server told me they were friendly today and then mowed me down when my back was turned for a second

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