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Need help i got bad lags.

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Anybody there can help me with my lags in dayz 1.2.5. i do not no why i tryed to overclock my pc . make my graphic run so fast as it can at the game. so plz help it's a awesome game but not with lag.

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Do you have skype so we can talk over that dont wanna go posting links to stuff on the forums.

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Sure add me (xexentis) and if you cant fine look for anton Møller from denmark

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If you were overclocking and now you get horrible lag in 3d applications ... well, I hope you didn't fry your GPU.

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nono im not sure about i even overclock my pc but the lag was there before i try to overclock and allways been there from i begin to play

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Sorry to say, but laptop or desktop, it doesn't matter.

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There're two things here that could cause the problem: laggy servers or weak computer. With laggy servers there's not much to do. Just joing another one. With weak computer you can turn your game settings to low and see if it help.

Anyway, it would be great if you post laptop configuration here.

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i tryed with the lowest setting as posible and nothing running in the background fps is normal

may it's my internet speed i got 3 ms 10mb downloade and 10mb uploade speed is that to slow?

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Tried to overclock and don't what GPU you have.


Edited by SonicRainbrony

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i tryed alot of server and pretty sure some eu as well my ms is around 17 in game

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So what do you mean when you say lag? Like shooting people and they die few seconds after that? If so then only God can help us. It's an engine issue since OFP back in 2001 :)

Pro-tip: shoot someone and run to hide before he can retaliate.

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Wait, is your problem online lag like warping or spiking or FPS lag?

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