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NZ 04 hacker

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* Server this happened on.NZ 04

* Time that it happened including your timezone. 4:35am NZST UTC/GMT +12


What happened during the incident.:

Player name: BugBunnyFTW

I talked to this player and accused him of hacking. As i saw his death name come up a few minutes earlier and then he was beside away from the coast with end game gear minutes later. He agreed that he was but he was a 'good' hacker. He then shot me.

As a side note, this server has had a URAL with no wheels (cant be fixed) near the coast for two days now FULL of ALL the guns. just to the east of Cherno.

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As a side note, this server has had a URAL with no wheels (cant be fixed) near the coast for two days now FULL of ALL the guns. just to the east of Cherno.

Oh cool, free guns. Surprised no one has tried to blow it up or repair it?

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Thanks for the shout out, went on the server made friends with the hacker, now I have some good loot

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