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How about we fix the game-breaking bugs first.

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Don't you think this should be the absolute top priority?

I'm talking about some of the following:

Spawning in the ground

Spawning dead, effectively losing everything you had

Spawning in passed out for 5 minutes even with 12000 blood and no injuries

The graphical bug where you walk near a military base and your screen gives you a seizure

Zombies walking through walls to get you (okay, not really game-breaking, but it can cause your death)

These are all very annoying, especially spawning dead. This has happened at least 4 or 5 times in the past 2 weeks. It's annoying. This time I had NV goggles, binoculars, ghillie suit, CZ and 5 mags for it, an alice pack, matches, toolbox, map, GPS, compass, watch, etc.

Why are the devs worrying about adding new features when you can't play the game for 3 days without losing all of your stuff you spent several hours finding?

I love this game. I really do. But I don't want to worry about spawning dead every single time I join a server.

Edited by kdr723

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Patience, these fixes will come in time. In the meantime, let me try and help you resolve a couple of them.

1.) Spawn problems. Assuming you're running, be sure to only connect to servers running that version. Join servers running older versions can cause long load times and potential respawns.

2.) Graphical bug aka artifacting. Try turning your video memory to default or lower. In cases where it still occurs, hit shift + numberpad minus key and then type flush. Not in chat, just type flush immediately after hitting those two keys.

Hope that helps a little :)

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I'll take this one since I'm certain everyone else is tired of repeating themselves.

A: This is not a game, it is a MOD of a game.

B: It is a MOD which is currently in Alpha a stage in the game building process the general public rarely gets to see.

C: The reason you and all of us are being allowed to play is to help with testing and therefore eventually work out the flaws currently plaguing this MOD that is in Alpha.

D: You having any fun is a pleasant side effect.

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Don't you think this should be the absolute top priority?


Why are the devs worrying about adding new features when you can't play the game for 3 days without losing all of your stuff you spent several hours finding?

Because this is an Alpha. Alpha versions are generally the first useable versions of software, but early alpha testing is typically employed more to test out features and add them than it is to fixing bugs, that comes in later alpha versions and then beta versions.

I love this game. I really do. But I don't want to worry about spawning dead every single time I join a server.

Wait until the game is at least in beta, even then, ideally, wait until the game is released.

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Patience, these fixes will come in time. In the meantime, let me try and help you resolve a couple of them.

1.) Spawn problems. Assuming you're running, be sure to only connect to servers running that version. Join servers running older versions can cause long load times and potential respawns.

2.) Graphical bug aka artifacting. Try turning your video memory to default or lower. In cases where it still occurs, hit shift + numberpad minus key and then type flush. Not in chat, just type flush immediately after hitting those two keys.

Hope that helps a little :)

1.) I was joining in the server that I was playing on and found all my items in. Join in, see "Computron has died." at the bottom, and I'm in an empty wasteland with no gear whatsoever.

2.) I found a work-around to the "artifacting" glitch. If you're in the area where the graphical bug occurs, leave the game (exit arma completely) and re-join. You won't be facing the bugs in that area at all.

I was mainly wondering why the devs don't concentrate on these game-breaking bugs more. I'm sure a lot more people would be more dedicated to DayZ without the constant fear of losing everything and starting over.

I know that this is a mod and an alpha. I'm not complaining that there are bugs. I'm really not complaining at all. Just wondering more or less.

Oh well, guess I'll get back in there and raid some more military bases.

Because this is an Alpha. Alpha versions are generally the first useable versions of software, but early alpha testing is typically employed more to test out features and add them than it is to fixing bugs, that comes in later alpha versions and then beta versions.

I suppose this is the answer I was looking for. Thanks.

Edited by kdr723

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Because this is an Alpha. Alpha versions are generally the first useable versions of software, but early alpha testing is typically employed more to test out features and add them than it is to fixing bugs, that comes in later alpha versions and then beta versions.

Wait until the game is at least in beta, even then, ideally, wait until the game is released.

just lost my money count for sure.

Not gonna consider fixing the 1 gamebreaking, alright then,(ohh did i forget to mention its an easy fix? just delete a few things and off we go) if you aint gonna worry about that, i aint gonna worry about testing your alpha :)

Ohh btw, did i forget to mention that adding features add's bugs? and you just leave bugs alone? now thats a nice way to create a mod, im deffo not gonna throw my money at people who dont know how to run a mod, or even fix things.

Gamersfirst did it better with APB, picking a dead game up and try to fix it, both adding features and fixing bugs, it might be bigger but thats not the point. MOD or GAME, how long are you gonna live on the differentials? its not IT being a mod or a game that hinders it from anything, its either money or respect.

Alpha to late alpha=Bug fixing(making the game stable and reliable.

Late alpha to beta=Polishing and fixing bugs coming from polishing.

And having an issue like those big artifacts is really dissapointing that you would actually allow it to continue over several weeks without bodies and barbedwire being removed, that is not because of its state, alpha or whatever excuse you might want to use, from my POV its lazyness and wanting to get the game out there before its even ready to get any form of PR like RTS did, what happened to them? they went down, take note of what they did because you are heading the same way.

BTW, that one bug im talking about is artifacting, and i dont have it, but seeing others have it is the same as me having it, so ill keep to lingor.

Yet another BTW, the standalone has been confirmed waaaaaaay to soon, the "mind set" still needs fixing, and so does the respect for the playerbase.

anyways, pointless post, im out.

Edited by Zyfer

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just lost my money count for sure.

Not gonna consider then 1 gamebreaking bug that is keeping me on lingor for now, alright then, if you aint gonna worry about that, i aint gonna worry about testing your alpha :)

I'm not speaking for the developers, it is just my view of things.

Personally, I'd do a few things differently, but strictly speaking: we're still at a stage where the game has incredibly little content, especially in terms of an end-game. In software development terms, this game is still in its infancy and not even half-way to a decent feature set. We have basic survival mechanics, a basic enemy mechanic and a few PvP mechanics, most of which come from ARMA and have only been adapted. That's it. Before bugs become really important and fixable, there should be dozens of more features.

What a lot of people don't understand is that fixing bugs now is a waste of time. Once you have decent complexity, you can start fixing bugs, but if you fix things now, you'll only have new problems with your own fixes once new features roll around.

Simple example: the graphics glitches. It would be trivial to just *remove* the offending models, but it would be entirely pointless. It needs to be figured out *why* there are these glitches on *some* computers. Fixing this now by simply removing the assets without figuring out *why* this happens means you're brushing stuff under the carpet. Therefore, it is much more sensible to work on new features while giving this some thought, trying to figure out what's happening, even if that means these glitches will continue for a couple of versions. In the end, you'll have new features AND a bugfix, instead of spending hours on a bugfix for an issue that will then rear its ugly head again later, or will mean that you haven't added features for months, making people leave your game because it is boring.

Edited by jwiechers
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just lost my money count for sure.

Not gonna consider the 1 gamebreaking bug that is keeping me on lingor for now, alright then,(ohh did i forget to mention its an easy fix? just delete a few things and off we go) if you aint gonna worry about that, i aint gonna worry about testing your alpha :)

Fuck you and everything about you.

You know nothing about coding and making a game if you think that fixing a bug is just "oh we have to delete this one line of coding but we're too lazy to do that right now."

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Fuck you and everything about you.

You know nothing about coding and making a game if you think that fixing a bug is just "oh we have to delete this one line of coding but we're too lazy to do that right now."

to you, grow up, adapt to what i call social communication and debating.

I'm not speaking for the developers, it is just my view of things.

Personally, I'd do a few things differently, but strictly speaking: we're still at a stage where the game has incredibly little content, especially in terms of an end-game. In software development terms, this game is still in its infancy and not even half-way to a decent feature set. We have basic survival mechanics, a basic enemy mechanic and a few PvP mechanics, most of which come from ARMA and have only been adapted. That's it. Before bugs become really important and fixable, there should be dozens of more features.

What a lot of people don't understand is that fixing bugs now is a waste of time. Once you have decent complexity, you can start fixing bugs, but if you fix things now, you'll only have new problems with your own fixes once new features roll around.

Simple example: the graphics glitches. It would be trivial to just *remove* the offending models, but it would be entirely pointless. It needs to be figured out *why* there are these glitches on *some* computers. Fixing this now by simply removing the assets without figuring out *why* this happens means you're brushing stuff under the carpet. Therefore, it is much more sensible to work on new features while giving this some thought, trying to figure out what's happening, even if that means these glitches will continue for a couple of versions. In the end, you'll have new features AND a bugfix, instead of spending hours on a bugfix for an issue that will then rear its ugly head again later, or will mean that you haven't added features for months, making people leave your game because it is boring.

To you, yes i know it would be like brushing it under the carpet, but having a seperate hive/server to use for fixing the artifacting is also possible, thats how they did it with APB, they had the players on one side and testers/fixers on the other side, ofc i know its hard to figure out wtf is actually causing this because its nothing i have seen in any game before, but with features comes bugs and before releasing any features i think that fixing the artifacting would be a great idea.

I am not talking about fixing these bugs/issues here, tents duping, backpacks duping and deleting, tents deleting, cars resetting to repaired state when exitting and entering after a crash, spawning on the cost, breaking legs when walking through doorways, barb wire artifacting, memory leak, server load, scripters and so on, im just talking about artifacting, those other issues are somewhat easy to ignore and losing pixels aint my biggest issue.

I understand its only your PoV, i didnt before, but i do think your right, it would be a waste of time to fix aaaaaaall the bugs, for sure it will because the standalone would be out before everything would be fixed lol, but im just talking about this one thing that seems gamebreaking for alot of people and also did for me when i first had it.

i'd hate to see it go down the same road as Real Time Studios i know i lost alot of money on them but im glad i supported them, they were a bunch of good guys, i dont mind testing something that i could lose money on testing, money is just materialistic like everything else, but i do mind spending my time testing a game and reporting issues the best possible way i can, and watch others do the same, yes it is my choice to test the game, but i do it to help it become bigger and id like to be a veteran follower of a certain "game"

The mod is fun and i have fun in this mod almost everyday i play it no matter what happens and i think alot of people also have fun, i spend my time day and night(my choice) playing this mod, tho on lingor atm and i have fun everyday im playing this, also in normal DayZ, but i still see alot of people struggling and i do understand their frustration as i would be frustrated in their place, all im saying is that if the case is really because they want to add more features instead of fixing this one bug that is a pleague to almost the whole playerbase, then its going down the wrong path, no matter it being in alpha or even before being alpha, it could be the first news of the mod even being released and that glitch should still be fixed.

Without players spending their time either crying or enjoying/reporting on/in/about this mod(Bugs in the mod), it will just be a failed project and i would hate to see that happen to another great "possible" game.

But im gonna keep waiting, as you say it is your PoV so i am not to say that your opinion is the same as the devs and hopefully this glitch will be worked on one way or the other.

Edited by Zyfer

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