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Looking for a group of players. UK/US players

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The title explains it all really, i've been playing Dayz for a while but its boring on ye own. I live in England and i play from around 7pm +. I'm a good sniper but i can also use AR's ( assault rifles ). I don't want a group with 20 people maybe just around 10. Reply on here ( teamspeak servers or raidcall ) i dont use skype i hate it. Thankssss.

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yep same here i will play with you right now if you want if you dont just pm me anytime and i will play :)

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Hi i would love to team up i have been playing dayz for 2 months and arma 2 for a year and have good experience with flying heli's and fighting in arma 2 clans. I also have some good equipment but im really bored on my own i currently have a Dmr and a m4a1 cco sd and good knowledge of dayz and arma 2 add me on steam aldafunkymonky

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|TRB| !The Relevant Bandidos! |TRB|

We're a rather organized group of people recording our gameplay, and we're having lots of fun. It's all about having fun, yet being prepared for intense situations. When-ever you get accepted in the group, you'll be able to get free gear within our group, aslong as you follow simple orders. We're looking for new well speaking english people. Feel free to contact us! Use any of the contact informations below.

Apply on this website followed by a short format. We're a very tactical clan. Need support with anything? Head on our TS server.


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