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Bandit Identification

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Hi I just had a really good thought for bandit identification, What if the bandits names are highlighted when you are aiming at them?

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Because that would only serve to punish said playstyle' date=' something which rocket said he'd never do.


Exactly why he removed the bandit system in the first place, in spite of all the butthurt.

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Because that would only serve to punish said playstyle' date=' something which rocket said he'd never do.


Ok that makes sense maybe only do it on regular servers and not on vet?

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I'm not a bandit but have killed others for the general fact that they look suspicious when I've encountered them, in these cases I would become a bandit. I prefer the way it is now, I'm still just as cautious since the skins were removed and for that reason my death ratio is still the same. This mod is about realism and realistically I would not trust someone no matter what clothes or names they had.

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