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Optimization Help!

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Hello, I was wondering if anybody could help me out on getting max fps on my computer.

My Specs

Manufacturer: lenovo

Model: Y570 08626FU

Processor: 2nd gen core i5 2450m processor @ 2.5ghz

Ram: 4gb

System: windows 7, 64bit

Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GT 555m DDR5 1024

I have already installed RAMDisk to help my fps i was just wondering some things that could help my fps get to around 25 or 30 in fields. Thanks for any help.

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As always, make sure you have the most recent drivers for your graphics card. You might also be able to set your priority higher for arma2 in the task manager. ;)

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also setting your video settings to default will change the rest of the settings to suit your computer best

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Try game booster.


Probably not going to give you a huge increase but if you are trying anything it wouldn't hurt.

I've heard manually forcing Ambient occlusion, V-sync and even phyX to be turned off for the arma II profile in the nvidia control panel sometimes increases FPS.

I can vouch for the Ambient occlusion but I have not tried the other two.

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