SASR 16 Posted August 19, 2012 (edited) OK sorry about length, lot more to it but just copied a small amount, is this player scripting? also the "disco input in red, is that goot or vendoor inputing that (if none legit is someone scripting it in over there names?)? and is the blue showing player position on map? or have i got it all wrong!? lol, any help would be appreciated, thanks13.08.2012 11:46:04: Derek (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 0exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe4b - #92 "ace;clearMagazineCargoGlobal _firePlace;clearWeaponCargoGlobal _firePlace;_serial = (_mags select"13.08.2012 11:46:04: Derek (24.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx26) 0e8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxde4b - #91 "se;_mags = getMagazineCargo _firePlace;clearMagazineCargoGlobal _firePlace;clearWeaponCargoGlobal"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx314) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_Hlidac_Budka_EP1', [8318.71, 2770.29, 0], []"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['US_WarfareBAntiAirRadar_Base_EP1', [8316.52, 2762"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Misc_cargo_cont_net3', [8298.75, 2752.24, 0], [],"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_fortified_nest_big_EP1', [8288.79, 2758.02, "13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['USMC_WarfareBAntiAirRadar', [8294.63, 2771.26, 0]"13.08.2012 11:46:04: Derek (2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6) 0exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb - #90 "{((vehicle _this) != _this)};sleep 1;_unit setCaptive true;_unit setVariable ["NORRN_unconscious""13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_Fort_Watchtower', [8253.78, 2793.99, 0], [],"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_HBarrier_large', [8273.63, 2749.1, 0], [], 0"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_HBarrier_large', [8285.57, 2748.28, 0], [], "13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_fort_rampart', [8294, 2749.29, 0], [], 0, 'C"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_HBarrier5', [8266.55, 2749.51, 0], [], 0, 'C"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx430 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_HBarrier_large', [8260.9, 2748.61, 0], [], 0"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #39 "1];sleep 0.05;_v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_A"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxx314) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx430 - #58 "ffects_AirDestructionStage2",_int, _t];processInitCommands;};};"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxx4) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxif (_velz>1) then (_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_fort_artillery_nest', [8249.88, 2747.89, 0],"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_fortified_nest_small', [8256.44, 2745.36, 0]"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #87 "f((getPlayerUID _x) == '66601094') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_CamoNetVar_EAST', [8271, 2774.36, 0], [], 0,"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_CamoNetVar_NATO_EP1', [8254.96, 2766.26, 0],"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "tName "MP\data\scripts\JIPwaitFor.sqf";if (!isServer) then{waitUntil {!isNil {player}};waitUn"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [8242.01, 2755.51, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [8431.63, 2528.28, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [8400.19, 2570.67, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "4];_li lightAttachObject [_v, [0,0,0]];if (isserver) then{_snd = createSoundSource ["Sound_Fir"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [8627.95, 2329.63, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 358xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #39 "locity [0,0,-0.1];if (local _v) then{_v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BI"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBurn",_int, _t];processInitCommands;[_v,_int,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Seco"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #104 "elocity _v select 2;if (_velz>1) then {_v setvelocity [_xv/1.3,_yv/1.3,0]}else {_v setvelocity [_"13.08.2012 11:46:04: Clint (7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 2dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3 - #90 "{((vehicle _this) != _this)};sleep 1;_unit setCaptive true;_unit setVariable ["NORRN_unconscious""13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [9183.47, 1940.44, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [8220.25, 3037.95, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "tName "MP\data\scripts\JIPwaitFor.sqf";if (!isServer) then{waitUntil {!isNil {player}};waitUn"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (69xxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx430 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [8655.48, 2568.81, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:04: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [11720.2, 3247.16, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx430 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [11971.7, 3101.35, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_fort_rampart_EP1', [8250.84, 2784, 0], [], 0"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx430 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_fort_rampart', [8246.37, 2787.97, 0], [], 0,"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_Ind_Timbers', [8251.96, 2787.3, 0], [], 0, '"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (69xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_Fort_Watchtower', [8253.79, 2796.12, 0], [],"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_HBarrier5', [8260.95, 2799.36, 0], [], 0, 'C"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx430 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Fort_Barricade', [8244.82, 2788.75, 0], [], 0, 'C"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (69xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx314) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Concrete_Wall_EP1', [8241.43, 2784.85, 0], [], 0,"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_HBarrier_large', [8247.51, 2788.8, 0], [], 0"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_HBarrier5', [8246.63, 2791.18, 0], [], 0, 'C"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx430 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_CncBlock_Stripes', [8245.72, 2783.65, 0], []"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Fort_EnvelopeBig_EP1', [8245.7, 2783.74, 0], [], "13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['FlagCarrierRedCrescent_EP1', [8258.26, 2813.98, 0"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (69xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_BarGate2', [8264.92, 2816.71, 0], [], 0, 'CA"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx430 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_Fort_Watchtower_EP1', [8246.35, 2774.11, 0],"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Land_Fire_barrel_burning', [8247.84, 2764, 0], []"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['US_WarfareBUAVterminal_EP1', [8256.14, 2758.52, 0"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Loudspeakers_EP1', [8256.53, 2773.54, 0], [], 0, "13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['Info_Board_EP1', [8271.61, 2777.97, 0], [], 0, 'C"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [1551.33, 2178.79, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [1481.31, 2276.02, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [12400.9, 8685.63, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:05: xxxxxxxxxxxx (2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 7xxxxxxxxxxd - #100 "tialized = false;dayz_previousID = 0;call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code"13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd - #106 "les.sqf";progressLoadingScreen 1.0;if (isServer) then {hiveInUse = true;_serverMonitor = "13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx24) 77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd - #107 "z_code\system\server_monitor.sqf";};if (!isDedicated) then {0 fadeSound 0;0 cutText [(localize"13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx49d - #106 "f(isDedicated) then {dayz_disco = [];};if(isServer) then {dayz_players = [];dead_bodyCleanup ="13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor ( 77784309f9fae566473e1b36fcef849d - #107 "= 30;dayz_spawnPos = getPosATL player;if(isDedicated) then {dayz_disco = [];};if(isServer) th"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (69xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14) 358xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [8100.81, 3338.67, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (69xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx430 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [7112.89, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.253.215.189:2324) 77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9d - #106 "f(isDedicated) then {dayz_disco = [];};if(isServer) then {dayz_players = [];dead_bodyCleanup ="13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (24.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx324) 77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd - #107 "= 30;dayz_spawnPos = getPosATL player;if(isDedicated) then {dayz_disco = [];};if(isServer) th"13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9d - #100 "tialized = false;dayz_previousID = 0;call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code"13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (24.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx24) 77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9d - #106 "les.sqf";progressLoadingScreen 1.0;if (isServer) then {hiveInUse = true;_serverMonitor = "13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (24xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9d - #107 "z_code\system\server_monitor.sqf";};if (!isDedicated) then {0 fadeSound 0;0 cutText [(localize"13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (24xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd - #24 "ode\init\publicEH.sqf""norrnRaLW" addPublicVariableEventHandler {[_this select 1] execVM "\z\a"13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (24.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx24) 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9d - #31 "ordLogin};};if (!isDedicated) then {"dayzSetDate" addPublicVariableEventHandler {setDate (_thi"13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9d - #106 "ayz_serverObjectMonitor = dayz_safety};if (isServer) then {"dayzDeath" addPublicVariableEventH"13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9d - #107 "elect 1) spawn dayz_recordLogin};};if (!isDedicated) then {"dayzSetDate" addPublicVariableEven"13.08.2012 11:46:05: Vigoor (2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 77xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9d - #90 "{((vehicle _this) != _this)};sleep 1;_unit setCaptive true;_unit setVariable ["NORRN_unconscious""13.08.2012 11:46:05: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #106 "if (isServer) then {_dsasadsa = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [12799.4, 10185.8, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLL"13.08.2012 11:46:07: Heslet (7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx04) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx09 - #106 "etion setFog _targetWeatherValue;};};if (!isServer) then {"drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs" addPubl"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #100 "f (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx430 - #100 "f (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #100 "f (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (69xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 358xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #100 "f (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #100 "f (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #100 "f (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #100 "f (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #87 "f((getPlayerUID _x) == '24165382') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #87 "f((getPlayerUID _x) == '24165382') then { _x hideObject false; }; } forEach playableUnits;"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #87 "f((getPlayerUID _x) == '24165382') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (69xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 358bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #87 "f((getPlayerUID _x) == '24165382') then { _x hideObject false; }; } forEach playableUnits;"13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 358bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx30 - #100 "a\scripts\";BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = compile preprocessFile (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + ""13.08.2012 11:46:08: [EWOK] Gloot (6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4) 35xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 - #106 "ith {};BIS_MPF_ONLYONCE = "defined";Also!13.08.2012 11:46:34: Spatz (9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8) 6cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdb - #100 "raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf')"13.08.2012 11:46:34: Hxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 33xxxxxxxxxxxxxx9 - #20 "s" >> "dayz_anim" >> "isUpdated");player enableSimulation true;"13.08.2012 11:46:34: Spatz (9xxxxxxx78) 6cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdb - #100 "raddMagazinecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addMagazine.sqf')"13.08.2012 11:46:34: -=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBIS_Effects_Init=true;BIS_Effects_EH_Fired=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\ca\Data\ParticleEf"13.08.2012 11:46:34: Spatz (9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx78) 6cxxxxxxxxx0db - #100 "raddMagazineCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addMagazineCargo.sqf')"13.08.2012 11:46:34: Spatz (99xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx78) 6cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0db - #100 "rclearMagazineCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'clearMagazineCargo.sqf"13.08.2012 11:46:34: -=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBIS_Effects_Init=true;BIS_Effects_EH_Fired=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\ca\Data\ParticleEf"13.08.2012 11:46:34: Spatz (9xxxxxxxxxxxxxx8) 6cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdb - #100 "rclearWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'clearWeaponCargo.sqf')"13.08.2012 11:46:34: Spatz (9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx78) 6cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdb - #100 "rendMissioncode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'endMission.sqf')"13.08.2012 11:46:34: -xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBIS_Effects_EH_Fired=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\ca\Data\ParticleEf"13.08.2012 11:46:34: Spatz (99xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8) 6cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdb - #100 "rfailMissioncode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'failMission.sqf')" Edited August 19, 2012 by SASR Share this post Link to post Share on other sites