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Looking For Another Survivor/Survivors

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Like the title says, I'm looking for some more people to play with. I recently started a fresh spawn, as I got gunned down at nwaf. Hopefully whoever replies is a survivor! :) If not and you turn out to be a bandit...Eck, I hate you.

Forgot to post: Skype name is: msanc28, or just PM me on here.

Edited by Grassman

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I'd be more than happy to find people to play with. The only people I've come across won't reply to me when I talk/chat or I'm dead before I know they're there. PM me or add me on Skype: MrBenderr (Same as my steam account)

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If you ever get Teamspeak 3 feel free to join us, address: ts.sasklan.com:10007

More info > http://dayzmod.com/f...-bf3-dayz-clan/

You really need to test your server out first before you go about advertising it mister. New users that join can't join any of the channels!!

TL;DR Don't join it. Doesn't work.

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