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Looking for DayZ partner/s

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Hey guys, been looking for someone to play some DayZ with. Cooling down as I just got hit by a car out in the middle of the NWAF.. Killed a guy for NVGs I had for a mere 5 minutes :'(

I'm Canadian, 19 years old. I have a mic with vent, ts and skype. I'm not a total noob at DayZ so I can help a new player out if they want to play.

Steam: roflmao567

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How long do you plan on playing for? Like..All night tonight? (no class tomorrow, rolled my ankle today xDDD )

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I recently resigned from my job so I have a lot of time. I have the capability of playing for long periods of time :) I'm currently waiting for someone to reply so I can get started again

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Hey guys, been looking for someone to play some DayZ with. Cooling down as I just got hit by a car out in the middle of the NWAF.. Killed a guy for NVGs I had for a mere 5 minutes :'(

I'm Canadian, 19 years old. I have a mic with vent, ts and skype. I'm not a total noob at DayZ so I can help a new player out if they want to play.

Steam: roflmao567

Im available most days (starving student). lemme know!

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HEY GUYS I AM LOOKING FOR ABOUT 2 OR 3 PEOPLE TO PLAY DayZ with im 13 but im not one of those squeakers so ya add me on skype


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Ill join you, i don't have any RL friends with a good PC so i'm pretty much always free..

I'm also Canadian, If you've already found a group, anyone can add me if their looking for a day z partner :)

- Got a mic

- Mature (i'm 14)

- Got Skype and vent

Steam - Chris_7110 or try Chris7177

Edited by Chris7177

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