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Looking for a group or other player to team with.

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Hello everyone, my name is Josh ("Who_Dat_Boy?" in game)

As you all know the wasteland is a dangerous place to be all alone, and as far as I'm concerned running solo is not the way to go about things.

I'm experienced, kind, friendly, and enjoy a good laugh. I can assist in any scenarios you might encounter, and can also lend a bandage or some water to those in need.

I'm still kinda new so I don't know much about the lay of the land, but I can figure out where I am most of the time by using an online map.

I have a mic and can join any kind of chat program you might be using.

Also I'll join any server, I don't care that much if it's heavily populated or not.

So what do you say guys? Want to team up?

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No probs :) If you need help getting Teamspeak 3 up i'll help ya out, were playing right now on US 69

Edited by Trunkz Jr

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Hey buddy, me and my group would love to have you. We use either Skype, Vent, or TS. You can add me on Skype as KhursedLoL. That's the best way to contact me. We'd love to show you the ropes of the game, and you sound like the type of player who would fit right in with us. Plus, my name is Josh as well. Looking forward to playing with you!

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