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So... When was your first kill? Did you try to put it off? Did it feel good afterwards? Was it even in justified? Or was it murder?

The first time I killed a player, it was to save my friend... I think he shot first, but it all happened so fast. I caught a bullet and was near dead, my friend and I got out alive... But I had this awesome rush, this feeling f wanting to kill another player, just for kicks! I felt like I could take on the world!

This was all well and good, but it soon faded when I was killed later. I have killed very few people since then and I've always avoided conflict if I could. Sometimes though, you don't have the time to ask 'friendly'?

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I was in the Belota Airstrip ATC Tower as I saw a man run outside of the hangars, my two friends were on their way to meet up with me. I wasn't talking to them at the moment so I wasnt sure how far they were so I decided to not risk it and kill him, as I got near to him I heard gunfire and saw that my friend (insert name here) was killed and I saw the killer prone on the ground. I had a makarov and shot a full mag at him and hit every shot. When I looted the body I was so happy to see he had a AKM and other various low tier goodies

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Mine as well was in Balota. I was walking around the back to the door way to get into the ATC. I saw a kid on the stairs looking my way, I unloaded 15 shots from my full auto AKM and dropped him quickly. Was nice to see that he had a DMR, although I quickly lost it due to glitches and never got to fire it. Good times.

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Asking 'Friendly*.. They will jump you xD

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It was a rainy day and I was about to hit the woods for a walk with my dog

when I saw a woman running like crazy

behind her there was a guy chasing her

I trained my dog to bite ppl who attack other persons so my dog started chasing the guy

when my dog was about to jump on the guy he took out knife and stabbed my dog

At this moment I went total full mad crazy mode

I jumped the guy we had a little tussle and I managed to get his knife and stabbed him about 20 times in the chest

tafterwards Ifirst thing I was worried about my dog when the ambulance and the police arrived I felt kinda bad for the guy

Edited by Magicool

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My first kill was when me and my buddy was server hopping, Back when we just started the game, I aquired a M14 from a dead body with lots of ammo.. in Stary Sober i was just being half AFK in the forrest overlooking the tents, when my buddy called out for me on TS. I rushed into the game, to find my self in the loading menu for way longer then expected, or atleast the feeling of half an hour loading screen, Suddenly i came into the game, found my buddies corpse from a distance, just waiting for movement. didnt wish to loot something which have allready been looted.. But suddenly this poor guy with a AKM Rushes out of the tents, up towards me, 'The m14 got 20 bullets' i believe i shot 15 at him, he had been dead the first 2,

At that time i didnt know how hurtfull the guns where, or how many bullets you can survive.. i was shaking all over. sweating, heart pumping.. Allmost shat my self..

I've been alive since... counting 18 days, Had any weapon in the game, Got the m24 yesterday which was the last weapon i havent tried out yet, And its sooo the best ;)

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My first was in Cherno, is was a dark and stormy night (No, really!), the graphics glitches had mad an already pitch black night even worse. My friend had a run in with a bandit and shot him. When he went to loot the corpse, the bandit was gone. 10 minuets or so later, I bump into a figure in the dark. Thinking it's my friend, I'm rather surprised to take a wad of buckshot to the face. In full panic mode, I unload my entire AKM mag into the bandit's chest, and bleed out shortly afterwards.

I've never gone back since.

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Mine was in a barn, i killed some unconscious person with a crossbow XD

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My first battle was in some barn. I died, but the dude who shot me got killed by zed. :P

My first actual kill. I was hanging about at the southarn atc tower. I heard a dude walking around, so I asked froendly over dc and warned him that if he didnt reply, I would shoot. But after I killed him, I was scared shitless that the zed would hear it. :P

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