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Thunderbolt (DayZ)

Buy Day Z now or wait until Standalone Game?

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Hey Day Z forums,

I made this account to ask this simple question.

Should I buy Arma II CO and play Day Z as a mod or wait until it comes out as a full game?

Either way I will get the game I just don't know if I want to wait however long it takes before the game comes out. (Has the release date been released?)



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Buy CO now, They are saying that the standalone will be out at the end of the year.

I myself doubt that anyway it will give you some practice.

Edited by Night Stalker

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Thats what I was thinking was to buy it now and then get used to it considering Ive been a PC gamer for about 2 weeks now.

I just don't know if people would help me though, not many people like noobs.

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If you can't wait a few months for the standalone get Arma: CO on gamefly for around 17$ this weekend just google for the promo code. I think the gamefly version isnt activateable on steam but that doesnt matter much. Never used whatever digital downloader gamefly has so I can't comment on that.

Edited by darksim
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ArmA2: CO is a great game anyways, DayZ is just icing on the cake.

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Rocket said in an interview that though they are trying for an October release, it's more likely to arrive in November.

I'd suggest you wait, because the plague of hackers/cheaters has ruined the game. The Day Z stand-alone game is going to be far more secure, so our hacker problem should be less pronounced.

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I'd say buy it now.

As I've read above me everyone agrees with me. And also, Arma is a fantastic game, even without DayZ. So I highly recommend you to buy Arma II: CO off from steam for a very low price. You get a good game with a good DLC and aferwards when you installed DayZ, an awesome mod.

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