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New player looking to make new frends.

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So I just bought arma 2 on stream ab 30 minutes ago and can't wait to play it tomorrow (dayZ not arma 2 itself)! I was wondering if there were any other new players who wanted to team up on a server as I've been told it is tough at the start running solo. If anyone wants to team pm me. We can skype.

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hi,i wanna group up with some aussies around my age, im 14

Skype: R3DR4D

Steam: Shawdey

Here you are buddy.

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I'd suggest playing solo for a bit. I learned so much from my mistakes that I'm currently running around with okay guns but a decked out toolbelt and supplies to camp in the woods for days.

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i am steam name is thereaper216 and skpye name is thereaper218. i like to have some friends on that game so i am not alone .

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I'd suggest playing solo for a bit. I learned so much from my mistakes that I'm currently running around with okay guns but a decked out toolbelt and supplies to camp in the woods for days.

I would have to say that having an extra pair of "friendly" eyes to watch you back is a gooood thing.

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So I just bought arma 2 on stream ab 30 minutes ago and can't wait to play it tomorrow (dayZ not arma 2 itself)! I was wondering if there were any other new players who wanted to team up on a server as I've been told it is tough at the start running solo. If anyone wants to team pm me. We can skype.

I'd be happy to group with you. Its tough going when you have to solo!

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I don't mind mentoring people. There are a lot of little tips I can give you right in this thread though.

1. Learn the map. This is absolutely important to your survival.

2. Learn what spawns where. This almost as important as #1.

3. Zombies can't run indoors. They have to walk, use this to your advantage.

4. Don't get attached to your gear. Dying in DayZ isn't a matter of will I die? It's a matter of, when will I die.

5. Have fun.

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Hi. You posted this in a wrong area. I moved the thread to Survivor HQ.

Please read the pinned/sticky threads before starting a new topic!



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