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Admin Banned from US 1033 [Public CC of PM to Admin]

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Maybe he would prefer plants vs zombies I don't think you can get raided in that game

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You restarted the server several times after we stole the white off-road because you were in disbelief that your truck was found (on the north edge of the map, where EVERYONE sets up camp thinking no one will find it). So, you assumed we must have been scripting to find it.



If this was the TWS scope on the L85, which is the only gun with a laser, this is not a scripted weapon. It is a legit gun in DayZ.

we restarted the server because we have had issues with all the vehicles and tents despawning after a scheduled restart and respawning after a unscheduled restart

and the i know about the l85 but the weapon that person looked liked a m4 with mods i hadnt seen in dayz and more so to the point the l85s laser wouldn't have been visible in daylight

Edited by dinoSF

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I was shooting you with an M4A1 CCO SD grabbed it off a dead body. Think it was either ciscorocks or DESTROYERZEE

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I will unban you this time although I shouldn't because you are all full of shit with your stories of where the weapon was found and how you recorded the camps for a later raid is also crap. I have never seen a player resist taking a vehicle when it right in front of them. The server has all the scripts updated and the first time I see anything suspicious with any of you I will ban you all.

I really can't wait until this game comes out as a stand alone and server admins won't have to put up with the BS rules that favor all the hackers.

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Can we get back to the issue at hand. We are banned for an assumption and your server could potentially be dropped from hive which nobody wants. So again... how is this going to be resolved?

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I still suggest you find another server to play on as you are still not welcome on our server.

I would not reccomend anyone play on your server judging by your reaction to people stealing your vehicles legitimately. Your the kind of admin that will give this game a bad name.

*Edit* MadHatter did unban as he stated.

Edited by xem1x

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I will unban you this time although I shouldn't because you are all full of shit with your stories of where the weapon was found and how you recorded the camps for a later raid is also crap. I have never seen a player resist taking a vehicle when it right in front of them. The server has all the scripts updated and the first time I see anything suspicious with any of you I will ban you all.

I really can't wait until this game comes out as a stand alone and server admins won't have to put up with the BS rules that favor all the hackers.

So because we're not idiots and jump on a car the second we see it we're lying? I'm sorry that we're actually smart to scout out the camp, and watch the guys using it to see when they log off so we can move in take the car and loot and leave without a single shot being fired.

Also lets see 7 people 1 in each grid... sweeping across the woods how would we not find shit really fast?

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Either way. ChumpD0g9 and myself laid down the law with some serious street justice tonight to avenge his death and our miniban. Video will be here Monday evening sometime just have to edit some audio into it that is guaranteed to tug at the heartstrings

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Well hurry up and post it. I cant wait to see you destroy a camp that isn't even mine and blow up a white truck which again isn't the one I have. It is amazing how all of our other vehicles were taken again with you all on the server. Oh and also the members that a hacker teleported in front of a shot. Simply Amazing.

Edited by MadHatter

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In other words, the admins banned three people on the suspicion of hacking, with no actual proof.

Can you imagine the number of people who we be banned if every server admin took this approach? It would be ridiculous.

One of the guys I play with gets a 9 ms ping top the server, so I'm sure he sometimes to be aim botting vs people with 100 ms ping. Under this server admins logic, he'd probably be banned too.

IMO, either produce some evidence of actual hacking, unban them, our prepare for a black listing.

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Well hurry up and post it. I cant wait to see you destroy a camp that isn't even mine and blow up a white truck which again isn't the one I have. It is amazing how all of our other vehicles were taken again with you all on the server. Oh and also the members that a hacker teleported in front of a shot. Simply Amazing.

We only took the said white truck, someone else found the boat bike and heli on the island that doesn't play with this group I saw them running around. Also someone had the van and bus as the white truck flew past them they gave chase in an ATV.

Also no one said anything about a white truck, so they were clearly yours since you knew what was blown up. Just a friendly heads up, you're really bad at hiding stuff since it gets found by everyone including people that aren't playing with our group. Unless you wanna ban all those people as well, and claim "hackers" on them.

Edited by Paperwings

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I will unban you this time although I shouldn't because you are all full of shit with your stories of where the weapon was found and how you recorded the camps for a later raid is also crap. I have never seen a player resist taking a vehicle when it right in front of them. The server has all the scripts updated and the first time I see anything suspicious with any of you I will ban you all.

I really can't wait until this game comes out as a stand alone and server admins won't have to put up with the BS rules that favor all the hackers.

Admin - please read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules/

Next time you ban someone have PROOF before you ban them. So far this thread has been nothing but back and forth. If you had proof then you can post it. You did mention in the first reply you were following them? What no fraps footage?

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Well know I don't know if I want to post it since it apparently wasn't you that we took our sexual frustrations out on. Maybe we will stay in the server until we have found you and your site. I wouldn't wanna post the wrong material.

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I'm not entirely sure how admins are able to see EVERYTHING that happens on there server. Hmmmmmmm I'm not really sure the logs would show the activities a vehicle participated in. Weird how chump and I both had instant death at the exact same time after our shenanigans last evening. How odd

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I'm not entirely sure how admins are able to see EVERYTHING that happens on there server. Hmmmmmmm I'm not really sure the logs would show the activities a vehicle participated in. Weird how chump and I both had instant death at the exact same time after our shenanigans last evening. How odd

I knew where you took the truck from the first time a you said you had found my camp. So after you posted about your street justice video I ran back up there and found the white truck blown up and all the tents destroyed. Really you did me a favor because that camp does belong to a hacker that keeps coming in the server. Did you bother to look at some of the contents of the tents? G36 Mags, solder clothes Etc. in them so I hope they stay destroyed.

As far as finding my camp. Everyone in my squad will tell you I don't keep a camp as nothing saves anyway and as far as vehicles go I really don't care about them either. Only vehicle I like to keep if I can find one is a bike. So in the long run you didn't hurt me at all.

This whole tread everyone keeps says I'm upset because you guys stole our trucks and cars which could not be further from the truth. I just still don't believe that you guys found in the manner you stated and I think you have proven my suspicions by all of your inconsistant posts. You all said that you had searched for day then you said that you were doing a grid search. Then there the hacked AS50 that you all said was in the ural when you stole it then said you all found it on a dead guy and put in the ural.

As I have said before you should just find another server to play on. You and you're group would be happier sniping players in Cherno and Electro on another server.

At any rate this will be my last reply to this thread.

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Then I'm glad we are helping to get your server straightened out. The video will post this evening for your viewing pleasure

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damn it i missed kicking your asses:d couldnt be on last night:l

edit i dont mind the people in your group that i talked to in ts but the people bitching and bitching on the forums are getting on my nerves:l ps debug spawn every 2 days ftw:d

Edited by dinoSF

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Finding scripted inventory items on a player or in their tents or vehicles is not even close to proof of them being a scripter. It doesn't even mean those items were scripted into that particular server.

Have you bothered to look at the script log?

Edited by candagrm

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So I hear on the grape vine that ive been scripting on this server & supposedly going to get a global ban!!!!!! DUN DUN DUN!

Which I find hilarious has I don’t even know how too!

So anyhow I joined this sever after the recommendation from Paperwings who is the only one from that group I know, who the admin believes am playing with which am not.

Infact guys in white pickup heading past solnichniy petrol station last night I was the guy in the blue bang bus that took popshots at you with an as50 lol.

Then pursued you with scrambler & bang bus for a while with Lento.

Ohh by the way admin nice pbx helped me find chopper on the skalisty island which I promptly crashed & a group of tents with as50 range finders gps etc.

So after the Blue bang bus randomly exploded & getting boried of the pbx beaching it then poping it, I think my vehicle & loot stealing must have annoyed this admin.

Who must have or planning to fabricate evidence of me scripting & working wih people I don’t know to stop me stealing “HIS” stuff!

So I actually am looking forward too his attempt to ban me for something I have no idea how to do appealing it & hopefully getting this sever blacklisted as by all reports, anyone who touch’s the admins stuff is clearly a hacker / scripter…..

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So I hear on the grape vine that ive been scripting on this server & supposedly going to get a global ban!!!!!! DUN DUN DUN!

Which I find hilarious has I don’t even know how too!

So anyhow I joined this sever after the recommendation from Paperwings who is the only one from that group I know, who the admin believes am playing with which am not.

Infact guys in white pickup heading past solnichniy petrol station last night I was the guy in the blue bang bus that took popshots at you with an as50 lol.

Then pursued you with scrambler & bang bus for a while with Lento.

Ohh by the way admin nice pbx helped me find chopper on the skalisty island which I promptly crashed & a group of tents with as50 range finders gps etc.

So after the Blue bang bus randomly exploded & getting boried of the pbx beaching it then poping it, I think my vehicle & loot stealing must have annoyed this admin.

Who must have or planning to fabricate evidence of me scripting & working wih people I don’t know to stop me stealing “HIS” stuff!

So I actually am looking forward too his attempt to ban me for something I have no idea how to do appealing it & hopefully getting this sever blacklisted as by all reports, anyone who touch’s the admins stuff is clearly a hacker / scripter…..

Dude you really need a never pill or something.

Your name came up in a log file and I asked Nevermind if you were part of his group. Here is the actual message:

Is PwnDirect one of the players in your group. I was checking the logs to find out who killed the players in the server when you died. If I recall correctly he was with you guys but I'm not sure. If he is please be honest with me as I think the outcome with you has been fair and you are playing in the server again. I will not tolerate any hacking even if a member of our own squad they would be banned. Thanks, MadHatter

I have since cleared you from any wrong doing and never said you would be banned let alone a global ban.

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