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a lot of work for a game that sometimes works.

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Got caught up in the hype. Had the game anyways but it's turned into a huge time hole. 20 different beta version, hackers, battleye problems, six launcher, six updater, but then there's steam that thinks your beta is a mistake and corrects that for you..

I'm done. I'm done for a while. I've spent more time trying to get it to work then playing. Great idea of a game but they've gone way to fast and loose and created this version nightmare of unworkable conflicts.

I can only assume they are just working on that standalone now. I'll check that out 3 or 4 months and 5 patches after it releases.


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Most of the time, the errors you're getting are your fault. Maybe if you made a thread asking for help, you'd get it. It's what I did, and I found the solution. Stop crying.

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20 betas?? you only need the newest.

If you can't use sixupdater...meh, go play on consoles...it is a pretty damn easy program to use. Just slow

Steam overwriting you beta, so you install it wrong/can't figure out how to set up a proper shortcut??

Hackers, fair.

Battleeye problems?? 4 months+ and I have had 2 problems with battleeye....

Basicly, you are doing it wrong, so it most be the mod/games fault??

Yes arma is a different engine than you are used to, but you using it wrong, is your problem.


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It's a bit of a nightmare, and I went thru the same thing. I spent about 5-7 hours before getting the game to work at all. But there's a very simple fix that makes it easy to load games and play them.

First off, if you can get the game to run, you're square. There's a dozen things I had to do go get Operation Arrowhead to function, and that was the bulk of my problem. Once you're in, you face laggy servers and wrong versions limit my play time.

Download the DayZ Commander application. Once installed, in the upper-right, click on versions. Update them all to the latest version, then restart it. Then, on the left side of the servers page, there's a bunch of options. Most importantly, remove the games that are the wrong version, unavailable, or private. It narrows down the almost 5-thousand servers to a handful. Those ones will play with almost no problems. Adjust the max ping you want, survivor count, time of day and other aspects, and then get to playing.

I haven't had a single thing wrong, except I needed to update, and that took about two minutes, and I was playing again.

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I can fix more than half your probs. Do not use six launcher/updater use the Armaholic one. It makes it way easier to use beta, manually update or revert. Why use steam at all? No need while using armaholic. Let me guess liberal? All these people with the "IM ENTITLED" posts make me sick....Alpha phase is for testing and ironing out all these bugs please research how the gaming cycle works.

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I can fix more than half your probs. Do not use six launcher/updater use the Armaholic one. It makes it way easier to use beta, manually update or revert. Why use steam at all? No need while using armaholic. Let me guess liberal? All these people with the "IM ENTITLED" posts make me sick....Alpha phase is for testing and ironing out all these bugs please research how the gaming cycle works.

What in the BLUE HELL was "liberal?" like...wtf.

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lol, wow. What a nice little window into the mind of some of you.

Assumptions that I've done it wrong and that I'm a liberal.. I'm not but I'm sure as hell am not voting for some nut job Mormon and his magic underwear.

I've played and was playing just fine. I was blessed with the never ending loading screen. Battle eye will not update. Updated manually. No change. Deleted and re installed. No change.

I also like the double standard of, you must be doing it wrong, backed up with it's an Alpha don't expect it to work even when you are doing it right.. :D

Edited by legion_2k

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Sorry to hear about your troubles. Sometimes load screens are a server side problem and not yours, I've been able to get the game working on 2 different comps both through steam and by themselves. If you're launching through steam it's bugged unless you go through very specific steps to get it working correctly. Send me a PM if you'd like some help and I can try to help through steam chat and/or skype/mumble. If you're truly done till some of the issues are resolved then I understand that too. In all honestly I've had nothing but problems when using any of the launchers trying to get the mod to work. I do have a steam version and am able to play fine even with the steam overlay working. So hit me up if you want.

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