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"Found at home" weapons suggestion

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I read the Reddit AMA with Rocket recently and I saw him mention adding more "found at home" style weapons. I'm not sure if he meant stuff like sharpened broom handles or just more civilian grade firearms, but I got a quick idea that might be worth considering.

I think that in residential areas you should be able to find .22 caliber fire arms, like single shot rifles and semi-auto target pistols.

"But those wouldn't be good, a .22 isn't powerful!" Well that's kind of the point. It would just be meant to give fresh spawns some rudimentary form of self defence. Not to mention that as guns go, the .22 is fairly quiet and the ammo tends to be abundant. Once you find something better you can ditch it anyway.

As I said, this is just a suggestion for something that might work well with the game. Tell me what you guys think :)

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Found at home weapon : Shovel, Knife ( that you can actually put in your hand and stab people with ) pitchforks, hunting rifles :D

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Chainsaw, since well... Why not. Behaves like a full auto melee weapon, needs to be refueled with Jerry can when fuel runs low. Loud as hell but can tear apart anything in front of you.

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We need .22lr style firearms, the shear fact that those things noise tends to drastically drop off after 50 - 100m would be pretty awesome. IMO it would be the professional zombie hunters gun of choice, given the fact the ammo tends to be everywhere and one shot to the head still means death.

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I disagree with Brint about the .22LR I own a .22LR semi auto ruger 10/22 with a 100 round mag I would not want to be shoot by it lets put it that way

The .22LR is powerfull enough to get the job done....

good for about 200-300 yards and a push 360

would take someone down in one shoot to the chest...

its a good gun, I would not want to mess with it anymore than a 50 cal....


right back at you I have the rifle above about 10 diffrent kinds of shootguns

a nice hunting knife a machete and a few air guns....

Would have more but the UK law sucks lol....

Edited by matt6950

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I'd like to craft my own spear/javelin in the woods . (Knife + Oak wood + Fire to harden = spear/javelin.)

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We already have a .22 caliber weapon. It's called the M16.


Just saying.

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I'd like to a dedicated melee weapon slot, and a wide range of melee weapons including pick axe, shovels, crowbars, tire iron, monkey wrench, replica and battle ready swords , hatchets, fire axes, ice axes, hammers, sledge hammers, baseball bats, cricket bats, ice hockey sticks, various knives, and even screwdrivers.

Using melee weapons to deal with zombies would be very commen in a world over run by zombies, as ammunition would be in short supplie and firing a gun would risk attacking more zombies.

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Just wanted to clarify something here: I don't think the .22 LR round sucks. I myself own a .22 target pistol and a .22 rifle, and I know just what they can do.

Most of the time, like on youtube videos or something, people will leave comments making the claim that a .22 isn't a good defensive weapon because it doesn't have a lot of "stopping power." That I can see, and that's all I meant by what I said in my original post. I never meant to imply that it was harmless, that simply isn't the case.

As for the other things that are getting suggested in this thread; I would love to see that stuff, especially a dedicated melee slot. I really sucks to have to backpack or drop your weapon if you want to use the hatchet.

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I really love "found at home" weapons, they add some realism into the game!

I would like to see some russian farmer tools like a scythe or a spade.

To drop the weapon when you want to go melee is annoying, but it is realistic though.

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I don't think the weapon dropping is particularly realistic. After all you put it on your back when you draw your pistol. Could just do the same for melee.

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Bow's with a retrieval system so you can retake your arrows from zombie corpse either that or crafting arrows using wood + scrap metal could do the same for the xbow and bolts. Retrievable throwing axe would be nice too

It's quite simple to build a bow and arrow from scratch if you have the correct materials, Dayz has plenty of animals for sinews and copious amounts of wood, stone and metal and it's been a basic survival skill of man's for thousands of years.

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  On 8/20/2012 at 1:13 AM, Rocksteady said:

Bow's with a retrieval system so you can retake your arrows from zombie corpse either that or crafting arrows using wood + scrap metal could do the same for the xbow and bolts. Retrievable throwing axe would be nice too

It's quite simple to build a bow and arrow from scratch if you have the correct materials, Dayz has plenty of animals for sinews and copious amounts of wood, stone and metal and it's been a basic survival skill of man's for thousands of years.

This. Bows and the ability to make arrows would be a great addition to the game I think. At the very least, crossbows should be more accurate, and ammo for the crossbow should be craftable and there should be a quiver to put them in so a decent amount of ammo doesn't take up all your inventory.

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i want more .22, 9mm, .45 acp (pistols or rifles)

and more WWI-II guns

- Loger P08

- Mosin-nagant

- Gewehr 88,98

- MP18

- M1 Garand

- Thompson (Mafia style)

- M3 Grease gun

- PPSh-41

- Tokarev T33

- MP 40

- StG 44

- Kar 98k

wtf did i just write oh this is dayz not CoD or BF LOLOLOLOL

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great suggestions. i think using things already in the game would be great, ie filling up all those empty whiskey bottles with petrol to make molotov cocktails, maybe have bats but than combining them with barbed wire for added damage etc.

i also think if melee weapons are changed to secondaries, they should have an animation before being able to use them, ie placing main on back before drawing out the melee, just to avoid the potential of 'panic knifing pvp'

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It's so funny to read north americans calling hunt rifles or other firearms as "found at home" :P . Most part of world if you have a gun at home, you work for government to ensure the law or your work is against it :} . With some exception of course.

Edited by octopos

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Well I think he meant more melee type weapons and maybe more civilian access weapons, while keeping the military weapons in the game, not leaning so heavily towards them. Just my interpretation though :)

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  On 8/19/2012 at 2:20 PM, ZimRaggle said:

Not sure about you're homes but mine has a small arsenal in it.

Lol, yeah, this. We could equip a whole server

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