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Total bummer with happy outcome woot!

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so logged out earlier on a day 25 character ghillie as50 m9sd night vision the works was having a blast

logged back on and delphian was killed i was in the middle of nowhere under trees no way i was killed come back in and bam still wearing my ghille but on the beach with nothing no gear whatso ever everything gone was so sad.... kill counts were all still there but no gear...

anyway im right near cherno so i head to the tents finding an axe on the way only to run into another survivor with a gun i hack he shoots lol we both run and lose each other he left i find random mags and bs in the tents no gun run off into the hills and bam right into another guy with a gun he kills me lol :('

now fresh start i find out im a bandit nice didnt know cause i had the ghillie on(wasnt hunting people just killing to stay alive) i start near Balota heading to the hangers ...whats that sound flies whats that pile of green a dead guy in a ghillie DMR4 mags m9sd 5 mags GPS WOOT yet to have found one of those and then i notice he had the Coyote Backpack sweet hadnt had that before either .

so im without my as50 but have a dmr lost my night vision but got a gps and dont like playing in the dark anyway so fair trade off and the huge pack which was loaded to the gills food morphine blood everything and im headed off again all within about an hours time lol went from bummed to smiling again

Edited by delphian

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