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Helicopter not respawning

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So some other guys that we had an ongoing seperate teamspeak battle with over vehicles ended up leaving the server but beforehand they had found the first chopper they ended up crashing it with one our group in the chopper as proof (he was friends with both groups), since then they chopper hasnt respawned we checked every spawn point including the old ones...

it has been well over a month and no sign of a helicopter, what the fuck is going on o.O all other vehicles respawn fine!

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Defiantley not we have a large group constant patrols alot of people north and alot of people south no sign of any helicopters flying around ever.

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Defiantley not we have a large group constant patrols alot of people north and alot of people south no sign of any helicopters flying around ever.

Same thing on our server, we parked it on the docks at cherno, server restarted, helicopter gone.

We found out when walking at the end of that part of the docks the docks 'glitch' and disappear under your feet. It's not that you fall down but it's like you are 10 meters above ground. We figured helicopter sank thru the docks and it would come back after a week but nothing.

Also checked all new and old spawn points and the save points and the spot at the docks. No heli flying either.

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Yeah we are a fair bit annoyed. They originally found it on skalisty island so we reguarly check their... there is a chopper on au26 i think it is.. at skalisty island but i cant be fucked repairing it...

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vehicle spawns have been borked for some time. had a script kiddie tell me a lot of servers are not spawning vehicles and most of the ones you see were scripted in.

since it has been ages since i have found one at a spawn, i tend to believe him

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im not that informed about the way, the mod dayz is working on, but i found out there is a hack to glitch items and vehicles.

Maybe its because of thoose hackers that smthng runs wrong while a hacker uses a hacked helicopter and a real one gets destroyed then he doesnt respawn?

just an idea, but if its a one on one rate of destroyed one and respawning it could be that smthng goes wrong if the client (or what ever) is checking for the count of helicopters when one gets destroyed he finds out "oh all is fine, enough helis are spawned" the hacked one disapears and the client wont check again becuase there is no heli which could get destroyed again.... could be, couldnt it?

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Hmm i dont think thats it anyway we took the server down and have play on a private hive now less glitches.. runs smooth faster load times.. no hackers since it is passworded... oh man the joy

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So helicopters are put back in DayZ now? sorry havent been on in awhile.


B2T: We had the same issue once too as we were connected to the offical DayZ Hive. We couldnt find it anywhere. Guess where we found it? In the middle of the ocean. Found it with the PBX. Some Hacker teleported it there or it crashed... I was lucky and could enter it. Blew up instantly and respawned on the Island South of Krutoy Cap, Good luck finding yours!

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Helicopters are only spawning on Skalisty island now. After a helicopter is destroyed, it takes 7 days for the chopper to respawn. At the 7 day mark, the server must be restarted for the respawn to occur. If you have done all this with no luck, then you must have a seperate problem. Also, fixing helicopters in is pointless, as everytime the server restarts it will respawn on Skalisty with no repairs done. It sucks.

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The Vehicles are spawning now. The server I am in I found a tractor and 2 trucks. I think they are back again. Found another truck in a different server.

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