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Isac (DayZ)

How can I fix "Bad version, Server rejected" I've tried almost everything.

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Hello survivors!

I know there's alot of threads with similar problems as this, but believe me none of the suggestions worked.

I recently bought Arma 2 Combined Operations to play DayZ. And I was all pumped up to play it, I installed the game on Steam and ran it for the updates, then i closed it and downloaded DayzComander, uppdated Arma 2 and DayZ to the latest version. When I tried to join a server it kicked me out and said "Bad version, Server rejected"

Then I went and googled what to do. Tested to run Steam as admin, didn't work. Tested to reinstall Arma 2 Combined Operations and install DayZ manually, didn't work. I tested all the possible solutions that i found online, but neither worked.

So now i turn to all of you that have had this problem or know how to fix it, what should I do to fix this?

Sincerely, Isac.

Edited by Isac

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Hello Swedentobbe,

thanks for the reply, I really appriciate it! My Arma II is up to date, with updates and paches alike. I appriciate your participation and wish you a continued nice weekend.

Sincerely, Isac.

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hi, i have the smae problem, i am on 96061, but every server which has that version in their name is actually on 96063 and i got the bad version message if i try to connect.. what can i do..?

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Still no progress, it seems like I can't join any server from DayZcommander.

Sincerely, Isac.

Edited by Isac

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Got it! Or atleast now it works for me. Go in on DayZcommander, go to settings, box both of the steam options and then it worked!

Hope this will come handy for anyone that has this problem.

Sincerely, Isac.

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Same here, tried the SIXupdater and the Commander jobby and all I've had all night is REJECTED. I got into a game once and after five minutes the host chucked everyone out. Deflated.

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