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Group up play for fun :D

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Hello im Zalliclovesyou

i want to team up with someone i dont care if they are new or if they are pro i just want to play and have fun and survive xD

im from denmark

im 17 year old

i only use SKYPE

Time Zone : .Donno......

Skype name : Zallic.Baastrup

Feel free to add me and Call xD

btw i just died so i dont got any items >.<''

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How do you not know your timezone? If I had to guess without looking at a map I would say Denmark is +2 GMT. And only using Skype. I still cannot see how people can use Skype. You can run 10 person ventrillo servers(and probably other VOIP programs) for free using your computer as the server.

Anyway good luck on finding someone. You are too far out of my time zone for us to play together.

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