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Could these graphics card run arma 2?

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Could a Diamond AMD ATI Radeon HD 6450 1GB, or a Diamond Multimedia ATI Radeon HD 6570 2GB run Arma 2? If these could what setting could I use? Sorry if this is a common question.

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Maybe they could run it but it would be very slow these are very low powered cards I would not suggest getting either if you plan on gaming with them.

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lol yeah you have to tell us the rest of your shit, or go to this website http://www.systemreq...owhead&id=10994 and see what it tells you if everything is fine except the video card than make sure to check the required and the you have because for me it says fail but i can run it in medium make sure you have at least as much as required.

Edited by Lord Sloth

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no you need the case and the processor with it aswell including all the other stuff.

lolz :D

anyway, you don't need a case to run a pc at all ;)

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Yes but a GTS 250 is about 3 times as powerful as a HD 6450 can you run it at high settings ? or do you run it at low settings with stuttering and lag ? I have looked more into this and can tell you that both the graphics cards that you listed will not run the game in a playable fashion. You will have to pay about 80-120 euro in order to get a card that will be worth playing games on. You could go cheaper for Dayz but you wont get the performance or the full enjoyment out of the game also the proccessor ram and hardrive will have huge impact on performance.

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