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[WEBSITE] Remove Cloudflare?

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Im finding that during peak time its 50/50 that a page will load, I get the Cloudflare "website is offline" message. This is bogus as the website is online as a refresh proves.

I used to use the service on my own forum but removed it after a string of complaints from the user base. It ended up causing more interruption than it gave in benefits.

Each one of the add on's it offers can be easily implemented, stats can be done via google and as for security measured for code injection and anti hacking, well a updated BB software installation will be all you need and if the worst happens a forum can be restored easily from a daily/hourly cron task back up (you do back up dont you?!?) Blacklisting IPs can be done via your Cpanel or whatever you use.

Also the speed boosts that cloudflare claims dont materialise on a forum, Im guessing the content is too dynamic. From switching over to a normal name server my page load times halfed. It was a zippier experience.

Cludlfare did help reduce the bandwidth but not by much, most browsers cache stuff anyway and most users do not empty their cache everyday (maybe the habitual InterPr0n users do ;))

These are all based on my own personal experience, I'm not a internet website making ninja or even pretending to be one. Im just throwing it out there.


So, anyone else getting the intermittent 'Offiline' cloudflare thing?

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