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Ok so this happend the other day so i figured i'd share with everyone. I was in cherno walking near the market when I see a player run in. I went prone but he seen me as he was entering. As he was walking back out i was shouting friendly over the mic. With no response i waited a second and moved to my right. JUST as i was moving right a crossbow bolt flew right past my character. Well me, having a ak, decided to unload on him as he was shouting "Sorry m8!"

So i seen him run into one of the orange buildings and followed him. I ran up on him with him still apologizing. Me, being the player I am, Bandaged him up, Gave him a blood bag and went on my way. Not sure if i made a smart decision. But i thought it was interesting as I try to play the game how i would if this was in RL. But someone shooting at me in RL would be a little different. Has anyone else had any similar confrontations? How would you react if this happend to you?

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I had a similar situation, but instead of "Sorry mate", it was a stream of German curse words.

Wait.. does it make it any similar..?

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Lol. Yeah it does. But if he would have cursed at me then I probably would have just killed him. Considering HE shot at me first lol

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I think you did the right thing. :) New players can hit the wrong buttons pretty easily, and being stressed and nervous being confronted by another player like that can make it worse.

I love that this game has true friendly fire. Accidental or on purpose.. it still hurts. The only difference is with an accident you can (hopefully) have time to bandage up your friend before it's too late. Plus it teaches players they need to stay behind the guy with the gun and not run out into the middle of gunfire like I did when I first started playing; accustomed to games like WoW where friendly players can't hurt you as I was!

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Nah man i didnt do either. i Just wanted to post it 3 times because im so cool and want the board to be filled up with my topics. Jk. But yeah it wasnt loading for some reason. So i had to keep clicking to get it to load. But yeah i feel like i did the right thing. I've had plenty of occasions where would meet someone in game and accidently shoot them. Have them turn around and unload into my face lol. Love the game though. Great concept

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