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Cheater - The Aftermath - Where can I find the traces?

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We just had to shut down our server as we had cheaters on our servers and we would like to contribute a few names for the banlist but we are not familiar with the logs and would need some advice on locating the traces in the log:

What happened exactly?

We were looting the factory close to Polana as we heard out of the sudden a helicopter and we saw how it dropped a little down ( as if spawned in mid-air) and began to circle around us. We began to open fire and several players with the vehicles with bullets. I myself spent 5 x 30 Bullets on the helicopter. The sparks were raining from the helicopter's hull and we saw fuel leaking but it didn't blow up.

So far no big deal.

Next the helicopter landed on top of the factory and one dude left the vehicle. During the landing a sharp shooter of hours had the pilot hit. He bleed like hell the pilot should have been dead ( He used a M107 ) but as the person was still alive and rolling on the ground as to mock my teammates who shoot him. I heard bullets everywhere and they hit him. He bleed and bleed but didn't die. They went down the stairs a little bit but suddenly a second one was spawning next to him. Also invincble.

We retreated as we depleted our ammunition.

The sharpshooter suddenly saw the person looking at him and then we heard how he reported that someone was next to him. So an obviously teleported player.

That's what happened but we need to find the trace...

We have some strange entries...

15:19:03 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',[false,true,false,true,true,false,true,644.891,["aimpoint","neck","pilot"],[1.20227,0],46303,


(Directly after a player's connect Pilot? Connected to our incident?)

How can we find them?

Or can we improve our server security anyhow?

We are have a hosted server by gamed.de



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Check out the remoteexec.log and you will see if user has created those choppers


DD.MM.YYYY xx:xx:xx: USERNAME (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) GUIDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #0 "

if (isServer) then {

_object = createVehicle ['UH1H_DZ', [xxxxx.xx, xxxxx.xx, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 10018.1, true];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];

_uid = _object call dayz_objec"

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