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How to become a Killing Machine (Video Guide)

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This guide is aimed at people who are already familiar with the controls of the game but don't really know where to go to get the best loot, or what loot they actually need. Pause the video at each tip if you can't read them in time.

Read description for further info :)

Hope my guide was able to help some of you out atleast :>


Edited by aYdee
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Other methods you could use: If you don't like the idea of hunting for helicopters all day, after your standard gearing up phase you could go and hunt for other players camps which could be located around the outside of the map, this method is a lot more risky. Or you could go straight to the NW Airfield and hope to take out an enemy bandit and loot his stuff like theres no tommorow. It's upto you how you do it but this is by far my most successful method (as shown in the video)

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For me the fastest way to gear up is to patrol the camping spots around Cherno/Electro. Last time I had only AKM with 2 mags, managed to kill a guy on sniper hill near Electro that had NVGs, Rangefinder, Coyote, M24 and Mk48 + full belt of tools. No need to travel around the map. Let others do it for you ))

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For me the fastest way to gear up is to patrol the camping spots around Cherno/Electro. Last time I had only AKM with 2 mags, managed to kill a guy on sniper hill near Electro that had NVGs, Rangefinder, Coyote, M24 and Mk48 + full belt of tools. No need to travel around the map. Let others do it for you ))

Yeah that can work well also :) But the method I explain in the video seems to be the most consistent way.

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i stopped watching on "compass - not needed when playing alone" because it's actually one of the most useful tools you can find :P

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i stopped watching on "compass - not needed when playing alone" because it's actually one of the most useful tools you can find :P

not when you can be like "lol waypoint"

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Yeah, they move around using waypoints in the video, that is why compass "is not needed", it's cheese and should not be available unless you have a gps, it also takes fun out of the game, and generally a bad habit because learning the map is important not just blindly following a magic waypoint, but I guess the guide is for making your a "Killing Machine" not a survivor.

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oh god, really? i thought you can only create a waypoint if you had a gps. that made sense to me

is why i always used a compass to find my way around.

ofcourse i stay away from servers with any type of nametags/crosshairs, defeats the whole purpose of the game imo. maybe waypoints are in the same category

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oh god, really? i thought you can only create a waypoint if you had a gps. that made sense to me

is why i always used a compass to find my way around.

ofcourse i stay away from servers with any type of nametags/crosshairs, defeats the whole purpose of the game imo. maybe waypoints are in the same category

Nah a Compass is not needed at all, you just need a map. Even without a map after playing for a couple hours you should know which way N-E-S-W is without a compass just by remembering where you've run from and knowing which side the shore is.

Edited by TGH

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A compass is not needed alone? I have no clue where im going without one lol.

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A compass is not needed alone? I have no clue where im going without one lol.

Hmm lol. I've never needed to use one, a map was always much much better and you spawn at the shore which tells you where you are lol from there I have a pretty good idea where I'm at as I know where the shore is. But everyones different ;)

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Nice vid, heli crash sites are my favoured way to gear up also. Also while I agree a compass is quite essential when operating in a group, especially for call outs, as a solo survivor its not quite as essential although still very handy. Clouds move west to east in Arma2/DayZ so provided its not fully overcast you can easily find north just by glancing up at the sky.If that fails its also possible to get north from a watch + a shadow if need be or at night time by finding the north star if its not overcast.

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i stopped watching on "compass - not needed when playing alone" because it's actually one of the most useful tools you can find :P

Was going to type the EXACT SAME PHRASE.

Stopped watching there.

p.s.:If you are playing in servers which show where you are in the map or show a waypoint to a marked objective well, you dont really need it, but otherwise it's a vital tool

Edited by ixtilion

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I guess some people find a Compass very useful when others don't seem to need it as much.

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Map is all you need, compass is optional.

You share my same opinion :>

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