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Spawned in random place with no gear

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A couple of days ago I was playing and logged off the server like normal (did not alt+f4) and the next day when I went back to pick up where I left off before the game even finished loading I see a "ph0bia was killed" message at the bottom of the screen and when it was done loading I was out in the middle of no where and had no gear what-so-ever including a backpack. The only thing I have is my ghillie suit. I tried logging back off and on, but it just did the same thing except this time it spawned me on the coast still with no gear. Since then I've tried logging into multiple servers, re-installing everything, and using a different program to launch Day-z (was using dayZ commander). None of it worked. I found on the forums here that one answered how to fix this issue but his answer required the use of the respawn button in the game. I have yet to play on a server (Tried over a dozen different servers with different difficulties) that the respawn button isn't greyed out. Anyone know of a way to fix this issue? I would love to get back all my stuff as I had a lot of great gear/weapons instead of just killing myself and restarting from scratch.

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Happened to me a few times since the last patch...guess what your gear should have stayed in the same place you were in until the server restart and then it probably disappeared but you can always run back there and check your last locationon that server.

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im kind of getting the same thing apart from im stuck on setup complete...waiting screen and it just hangs there for 3 hours. Alao it shows the icons at the bottom right hand only while im waiting. Also i can press g and i can see mee bag and if i eat something it takes me to an empty area with nothing around. and when i relog to try get out of that area im greeted with the setup completed. please wait screen yet again. please help me!!!! or atleast reset my character. All this happened when a hacker joined my clan server and turned us all to birds.

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Same Problem here.

Anyone knows if there is a way to get my stuff back?

With great luck i ran into some dead guy in the forrests who had nv and rangefinder ( had an akm so rangefinder was useless atm anyway but it still bothers me the most since it was the first i ever found)


in the picture im near prigorodgy at the coast

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Same thing happend to me the other night. I log off, no alt f4, and come back a few hours lator and get a message that I was killed. I find it very improbable that I was killed by either another player, or a zombie, since I loged out in the middle of the woods on the side of a hill. But I respawn in the same place the OP stated, the limbo, and was able to move around with no gear, not even the starter gear, just my gilly suit I had on. So I log off and back on and I spawn on the coast. Same thing, no gear, just my gilly suit. Oh well, guess my trusty axe will do untill I find better gear. Perhaps its a glitch with the gilly suit?

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No its not just the ghillie suit i was at the dam way up north hidden wearing just normal clothes when i log out then log back in the next day im on the coast still the same guy as all my stats are the same just have zero gear spent hrs getting everything back except the nvgs cant seem to find some this time

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