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DayZ 96015/95016 Artifacting

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I know topics exist about this, but I've not yet said my piece. I've had problems with artifacting since patches. I don't know fully the cause, and I've searched through forum, and used the search function and all of that.

I've read many, many posts about how to fix. In the SceneComplexity = 100000 did help a lot. Today, I updated my graphics card drivers to the newest 12.8 by AMD (6000 series). I'm now having issues again, where all previous fixes in any order have NO effect.

My specs:

CPU: AMD Phenom II x6 1055t

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6870

OS: Windows 7 x64 Home Premium

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Edited by Izodn

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Exact the same Problem here - I'm running a HD5870 on a Win7 x64 System.

I also get lot's of Artifacts at the Airfields and whereever someone placed a wirefence.

Switched from Catalyst 12.6 to 12.7b to 12.8 but I get the Artifacts with each version.

In I could remove the Artifacts most of the time by using Shift - flush once or twice

In using this command makes it even more worse most of the time.

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I haven't seen a single artifact since I switched to 12.8. I have a friend who also had his problem fixed with 12.8. Both of us had it really bad before updating to the newest driver. In fact, I just came to this forum to post that I thought 12.8 might have a fix in it, but saw this post first.

Sorry for the first two posters, but anyone reading this with an AMD card who is sick of the artifacts should give 12.8 a shot. It worked for me.

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