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The Legit Pie

M1911, Yay or Nay?

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M1911, still effective since nerfed, headshots 1 kill as always.

Not the best sights, ammo quite common.

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M1911 is still very effective. Easiest ammo to find, and more common up north than Makarov mags are.

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Go with that or the revolver.

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I would say its the worst side arm in the game now. I only use it untill I find pretty much anything else.

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M1911 is the most dangerous single-shot handgun in the game. Which is to say it's a really shitty weapon.

Headshots are good against zombies, not so good against other players. Any of the automatic sidearms are better (larger magazines, faster rate of fire, same accuracy) in performance with less ammo. M9SD is silenced but the ammo is kind of rare. Makarov gives you slightly less damage/magazine but it gives you one extra headshot and the ammo is plentiful.

Ammo is common for the M1911, but it now takes 4 times as many shots to kill players. Which means the ammo has effectively been cut by 75%.

So the M1911 sits somewhere in the middle of usefulness when it comes to sidearms. The automatics can actually do damage comparable to the double-barrel shotgun in dps but ammo for the double barrel is as plentiful as ammo for the M1911. Considering it takes about 4 times as many rounds to kill with the M1911 as it does to kill with the nerfed double barrel, you're looking at a gun whose ammo, range, and damage per magazine is effectively lower than that of the lowest level long arm.

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But it's kinda exploit ))

well its same as gamma thing. its not my fault that BIS allowed users PC to calculate that much and fucked up the patch files.

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