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Banned From AU32

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Hey, I was banned from AU32 tonight while playing for no reason. I'm not sure why this happened as I was going through Elektro at the time and a message came up saying I was banned. I have never hacked in my life and I was very surprised to see this. I hope this issue can be resolved.

Edited by Greene180
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Hi Greene180,

You have been banned from AU32 for scripting.

The player on the server that executed scripts was under the ingame alias "Arran"

You have the same guid and IP as arran which means you have been caught scripting and are now perm banned.


AU32 Admin/Owner

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Yes I use Arran as my DayZ name. I promise you I Have never used hacks on any game i've ever played. I would like to specifically know what "Scripts" it says were used under my name. This is a big misunderstanding and I would like some information on it if you don't mind :) . I hope I can in some way clear my name because I do enjoy your server.

Edit: I also have friends that were with me that can verify I have done nothing wrong.

Edited by Greene180

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AU32 is one of the best servers out there,

I can be confident that when I game on this server I will not magically drop dead along with everyone else because a hacker thinks its funny to initiate a "kill all" script.

My vote on this: 0% tolerance of kiddy hackers, if you run scripts your out!

If you hope to play on this server you best delete any hacks that you, dirty cheating, bastards are running!

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Yes I use Arran as my DayZ name. I promise you I Have never used hacks on any game i've ever played. I would like to specifically know what "Scripts" it says were used under my name. This is a big misunderstanding and I would like some information on it if you don't mind :) . I hope I can in some way clear my name because I do enjoy your server.

Edit: I also have friends that were with me that can verify I have done nothing wrong.

Battleye says:

Do not ask for the evidence behind your ban. No details about it will be revealed. Hackers would love to have access to this information.

So No,

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Yes I use Arran as my DayZ name. I promise you I Have never used hacks on any game i've ever played. I would like to specifically know what "Scripts" it says were used under my name. This is a big misunderstanding and I would like some information on it if you don't mind :) . I hope I can in some way clear my name because I do enjoy your server.

Edit: I also have friends that were with me that can verify I have done nothing wrong.

Hello Greene180,

Im sorry you feel like you have been unfairly banned from the server.

Unfortunately i will not be giving out any "detailed" log explanations as it may be used to help a malicious third party. BUT i can say it did involve a helicopter.

Im sorry i can not be more helpful and unfortunately your ban still stands and will not be removed under any appeals.

Thanks again

AU32 admin/owner

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Best read all day, thoroughly enjoy viewing the misfortune of ones little soul being crushed into pieces. If you are a rich little bastard green180 then you would have no worries of re purchasing the game, if not (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA) better luck with thinking next time!

Yours faithfully,


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Well, oh I see. Well actually the truth behind the matter is I must've got in a hacked helicopter (Hear me out because this wasn't intentional and didn't hack) I was walking to Elektro like always when I heard a helicopter approach from above and landed about 100m away. I ran up to the helicopter and shouted "Friendly" hoping he would give me a lift. Suddenly he get's out the chopper and walks off. I think "Wow that was nice of him to leave me a chopper" I tell my fiend who spawned down the road and waited for him. While waiting in the helicopter for my friend I saw another chopper fly over head (By the same guy) which I was thought was a bit suspicious but hell "I found a freakin' chopper". So yes I was suspicious (but I had no idea that he hacked it in). When I was banned I had no idea why and asked my friend if he knew anything and he suggested that the person might have hacked vehicles and that's why I was banned. I brushed it off saying "That's pretty unlikely". After trying to reconnect to the server I came here and put the ban appeal up hoping others would see my innocence. Well that's me story, believe it or not. Either way I just wish I could have 1 more chance.

P.S. The community can be quite mean and untrusting :(

Edit: I also crashed it 5 minutes later so... yeah XD

Edited by Greene180

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You know what I like, that you didn't mention the chopper in your original post.

I'm not asking for evidence, can AU 32 please send me this GUID as I run an AU server and he'll most likely migrate through my server at some point.

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I just realised the perfect analogy :D, Imagine you're walking down the street and somebody runs up and throws a purse in your hand and runs away. The police then show up while you're holding it and place you under arrest. Then the police take you to court and convict you of stealing and when you try to prove your innocence nobody believes you and say "Ah but we found the purse in your hands!". After that you get sent to prison and get raped in the showers. That is pretty much what's happening here XD

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I love reading these ban appeals.

"I wasn't hacking, I was using scripts to gain advantage!"

"What about the helicopter?"

"... I found it...?"

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at moments like this you just gotta think

what would mungo jerry do? #WWMJD

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I have seen this happen alot of late,

peaple looting hacked gear off dead body's or killing these hackers, then getting banned for scripting.

i see alot of random items around eg RADIOS, M4 M203 SD, AS50 THERMAL SIGHT, GENERATORS.

So if u are to loot a dead body with this gear on it OR get into a hacked in VEH of any kind "ground or air" then that clearly means your scripting??

This is bullshit and cant be policed correctly, so admins are just banning anyone who has or uses these items??

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I have seen this happen alot of late,

peaple looting hacked gear off dead body's or killing these hackers, then getting banned for scripting.

i see alot of random items around eg RADIOS, M4 M203 SD, AS50 THERMAL SIGHT, GENERATORS.

So if u are to loot a dead body with this gear on it OR get into a hacked in VEH of any kind "ground or air" then that clearly means your scripting??

This is bullshit and cant be policed correctly, so admins are just banning anyone who has or uses these items??

We try to keep our servers free of hackers, until you have your own server and you can see the logs and how many people come on the server each day and ruin it for everyone else a few cautious bans to keep the other 49 people on the server from dieing from cows that fall out of the sky seems pretty reasonable. If you have been banned wrongly post up a ban appeal and allow the admin to go through the logs more thorough.


If the weapon is not on that list dont pick it up. You will not be banned for hoping in a hacked vehicle unless you are the one that spawned it in or are directly involved with the person who did.

I have banned 54 people this week of which 100% have log proof and which only one has appealed, people just want to ruin your time spent playing the game properly.... no wonder we get paranoid.

Edited by Zellion

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Zellion I see what your saying. i looted a hacked weapon and used it and payed the ultimate price but guess that happens. on AU servers ive snipped about 5 ppl now that have had the same weapon i got banned for and they also had radios, however they have not been banned. guess i was just one of the unlucky ones at the time.

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i can assure you if they were on au32 they woulda been instaban'd mate.

you can't blame him that other servers don't keep track on hackers.

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