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Invisible teleporter cheater at DE 1722

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Played at DE 1722 early this morning.

At around 02:00 (GMT +2 server setting) several players was killed by a hacker, teleporting around and killing several people in a short amount of time. The server belongs to a friend of mine, who hires it in managed form from gamed.de, but he does not seem able to access any of the log files.

The killed players: Vinyljunkie, General Conny, fogle and Steve.

EDIT: Two other players managed to run away and log out as the hacker was teleporting to them, they did not die.

I don't think it was -ICE- or Marat, as they drove around in an Ural truck close by. The hacker traveled in an S1203 van, sadly I never had time to examine his body to see his name before the cheat-killing begun, but my comrades said someone named "Fox" was playing. Teleporting around and killing us (in invisible form) was probably his revenge for one of us shooting him after he surprised one of the players mentioned above, at the Zelenogorsk supermarket.

How do we go forward to expose whoever killed us all from thin air?

Edited by Unacceptable

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No screenshot, no evidence, no ban.

Sorry for that :(

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No screenshot, no evidence, no ban.

Sorry for that :(

What about logs? It's not like he didn't use scripts...?

I am not familiar with the inner workings of servers, but there surely must be logs recording such things? What kind of screenshots are we talking about, a muzzle flash originating from air in a dark field seen through NVG?

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