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Diablik (DayZ)

Looking for a Squad/Team or Group etc to play with.

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Im looking for a group to play with, Im bored of going lone wolf and only know like 2 others on DayZ, Be it a clan a squad or a bunch of mates playing together im happy to join up with anyone, Well anyone thats mature enough to know how to play propperly that is.

Im 23 and in the uk GMT timezone, On almost every night.

Currently have all the essentials on my character compass, Map etc with an M16A4 Acog and M1911 sidearm. Have some medical supplies and plenty Blood Packs!

Anyone who would like or is looking for a new member for their team reply to this post or PM me!

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hi i am looking for anyone to play with so any time and i'll be on just email me at zebrakid96@hotmail.co.uk anytime i will play any time today.

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