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Looking for 3DP [ON] Private server.

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Title says it all... Tired of getting hacked, and killed by hacked weapons. If you have a server that would take in 3-4 other players then PM me please.. Thanks.

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Title says it all... Tired of getting hacked, and killed by hacked weapons. If you have a server that would take in 3-4 other players then PM me please.. Thanks.

Private servers are against the rules, and are severed from the hive and blacklisted.


4. Your server must not be password protected or locked.

BEC connection flood #lock is allowed but must be set to no more then five minutes.

Servers may also be locked briefly before scheduled restarts, again, this may not exceed five minutes

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Me and a friend or two are looking for the exact same thing. Tired of being hacked on every server. It really ruins the game for me, no point even bothering trying to explore much, just going to die to a hacker any second.

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Still looking, thought I found a good server, but they allowed vehicle purchase through donations to the server. So the whole "survivor scenario" was thrown out.. Basically a FPS with zombies and vehicles.

Logged in and literally saw 2 choppers, 3 cars, and 2 motorcycles in 20 minutes... Thought I was playing Sims : Zombie Apocalypse

Edited by Buckett

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Buckett, check out Billy May's Chicago Private Server. You have to goto BMRF.ME to register on their website, and provide them with your player ID. This is how you get whitelisted and allowed into the server. If you don't go through this process, the server will auto-kick you every time. Pretty neat feature.

I believe the settings are 3D:ON CH: OFF. No waypoints. Veteran server. It's always high pop, and there's always an admin present. It's the only private hive I'll play on.

They do add extra vehicles, I believe. Almost double, but generally it's not like you see them all over the place(breaking immersion). It's still very well run. You'll have to deal with side chat antics, but thats the case with all private servers.

Edited by KField86

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