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This has too be the best day i've ever had playing Day Z

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So,there i was minding my own business looting the NW Airfield.

Feeling pretty good i decided "Well since there hasn't happened anything yet let's go up the fire tower and see if there is anything worthwhile" slowly crawling towards the fire station i start hearing these flies thinking to myself must be these bodys behind the station, as i reach the first level of the tower i see a dead player instinctive i go prone and crawl towards the dead body hoping for some neat loot!

And i was rewarded for my dangerous act with a:

L85A2 AWS with 5 magazines

M9 SD with 4 magazines

NV Googles



Military Flashlight

and a Coyote Backpack

though as soon as i stood up all hell broke loose getting shot at from two directions with assault rifles

i ran downstairs trying to make my way towards the back into the woods,

as i reach the door i get hit a single shot fracturing my leg i fall into the dirt face first

behind me a loud scream the guy that got my leg was overwhelmed by 10-15 zombies,

crawling towards the wall i hear a AKM going off probably helping his friend, not letting this chance go to waste i heal my leg with morphine and bandaging myself, looking back i see one of the guys coming out the door though he can't see me very well as i was lying in the grass with my ghilie suit, i take aim and fire two rounds penetrating his body he goes into shock and loses consciousness, getting near him i notice the hero skin feeling bad that the dead player might have been a friend of him and they thought i killed him i bandage him and give him a blood transfusion, running into the forest before he can get up still fearing for my life, reaching the edge of the forest i hear a single sentence in the distance


feeling good that i saved him i log off.

(mind that english is not my primary language and this may or may not contain many spelling errors)

Edited by Sadisto
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Great story and you're alive quite the time, i can never get myself so far cuz i'm the explorer type. I always want to go in the deep unknown dangerous places or crowded places and interact with other survivors, mostly getting me shot before i reach day 2. Also i play alone so i need the interaction :(

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You, buddy, made my night. Before I saw this thread, I was just thinking about what a mess things are for day z in it's current state. The mod is having all sorts of issues, the standalone is months away, the playerbase is all over the damn place, and a number of members seem to deem it necessary to shit all over their own forums with topics that have been posted countless times before. It all gets a bit depressing. It's stories like these that remind me what I bought Arma II for, and why I spend so many hours playing this thing only to die at the teeth of some random bear trap in the woods. My beans are yours.

Edited by 1nexx

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have to give you beans he could have killed you even if you healed him so you risked your life for him know thats someone that knows how to play

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You can have my beans.

I went only once up there and all I would find were Zeds. That was before and it was really hard to move in that area because of the graphical glitches. I guess that's why I didn't meet any snipers or other survivors. Well I got some decent weapons and then I just died. *lulz It have been days since I have played but I might make another run to the NWA.

However, it is really painful to run from the coast up to NWA because it seems to take forever and first I have to find enough supplies so I can survive the journey. The question is how do you move on the airfield? If there are snipers they might have a hard time hitting you if you never stop in the open and always be on the move but how do you keep moving fast without getting overwhelmed by Zeds? Sure, I can run for the trees and hide behind one but this might get a bit difficult if you have to juggle with one hand the Zeds with the other one or two snipers.

Can you lose Zeds also when entering a building? This happened once to me and I still don't know if it was a feature or just a bug. Btw, it was during nighttime.

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Well first of all i only move around there at night even if there are snipers with gamma and brightness up they can mistake you for a zombie and you almost always have 1/4 sound or sight while playing night wich reduces the risk of attracting zombies

also try not to run over the runway biggest mistake you can do

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Dub a duh, dub a duh, arrrrrh... rockin story man, BEENZ! :beans: B)

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And how it turned into the worst day:

After logging back in met up with a Friend at Petrovka. looting the village i come across a can of MOUNTAIN DEW thinking to myself wow what great luck!

soon afterwards we make our way towards the border of the map for some easy looting from other people's tents, along the way we find a blue Van (forgot it's name) with a full tank and a few Jerry Cans,feeling pretty good at how lucky i am today we drive around the Border eventually reaching Ostry where we suddenly got shot at from the surrounding woods by multiple bandits, we manage to take them out with a few alt+f4 along the way my friend dead and me down to 5000 blood when my friend jokingly remarked "The can of Mountain Dew is taking it's toll" after a good laugh i raid the now broken Van and go south to get back to my friend, little did i know that this was far from over....

As i reach Dubrovka i hole myself up in a house and take a break, while munching on my cooked meat i hear gunfire outside

and i decide to take a look seeing a guy with a hero skin running around being chased by zombies.

Since i've had good experience with people in a hero skin i started shooting the rest while he comes inside the house,

After i've fend of the remaining i turn around and see him unconscious on the floor so i patch him up,give him food and drink and a few magazines for a m4 since i've got more than enough after thanking me for what felt like 5 minutes we parted ways him heading north me south,

my friend than suddenly started talking about joining a different server since he got spawn killed like 7 times while i was heading there

we decide to do so.......

long story short

We joined a different server, I spawned in or below some weird house i wasn't even near at. died and now im sitting hear writing.....

i should probably do a Diary of some sort with all that weird shit happening to me.

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