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Weapons Dropped from Inventory Disappear

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Date/Time: Most Recent 3:26 AM (UTC -6) May 29th

What happened: Three times when I have dropped a primary weapon they have just disappeared instead of appearing on the ground.

Where you were: Firehall at NW airfield and Barn north of Topolka Dam. Can't remember third location. Each time I had a wall close to my left side. The last time (on the top level of the barn) I was careful to make sure I wasn't facing the wall at all, but I was still close to it.

What you were doing: Choosing drop, or using the arrows, to drop my primary weapon from the inventory screen.

*Current installed version: ( and Beta 1.60.93040)

*Server(s) you were on: Can't remember... One of the time shifted ones, NY something or other I think (sorry!)

*Your system specs: i7 2600k, 8GB RAM, GTX 570, Win7 64 bit

*Timeline of events before/after error: Was fighting zombies and when there was a break in combat, I put down my primary weapon to pick up another off of the ground.

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