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Australian Clan [SASR]

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well im 21 live in australia currentley experinceing a glitch of some sort to do with ping once that is fixed ill be happy to join your clan.

my steam account (greekmunga) my current load out is nvg, range fidners, pdw pistol,m4a01 cco sd main wep,alice pack- spare aks-74u , got all survival gear knife hachet matches map gps toolbox etc spare pare nvg giving to a freind. i just killed bandit today for main weapon and some dude who i asked if he was friendly yesterday to get the pdw he tryed shooting me with it LOOOOOL big mistake and thats my load out atm and a story to go with it.

play style, plan on becoming bandit i just given up on trusting people u end up geting shot in the back u learn that after a while 90% of people u run into are'nt freindly, and will shoot u ive given so many people chances shouting at them are you freindly the turn around try blow your head.

if you wanna get in contact add my steam account-greekmunga- note i play mainly nz/au severs.

new items thermal machine gun and as50 robed hackers tents XP and im a bandit officaly - 6000 humanity with out use'in these highly overpowerd weapons

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Age: 16

How often are you on DayZ: every night after school, on weekends alot

Do you have a mic: yes

Play times: 4-9 weekdays most of the weekend

Current Loadout: nothing

Ideal loadout: primary- sniper (as50/m107/m24) secondary- m1911

Last time you died: earlier from zombies when i was afk

How long have you been playing DayZ: few weeks (not too expierienced but eager to learn some tricks)

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: mostly a lone wolf but will use teamwork when someone is actually friendly

much apprieciated

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