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Australian Clan [SASR]

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hi i would like to join ur Dayz clan i have been looking for one a while now.

my steam name is 1stAIF_kohan

my email:[email protected]

my age:15

playstyle: only kill if i have to!

skype acccount me: kohan101

i am used to being in a clan snice i used to run one in a other game i know how to play for fun and how to be seriuos when needed.

plz get back to me i would like to join as soon as i can

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would love to join alway been looking for a clan please message back asap

steam/name Darkmaha1

Email: [email protected]

exsperiance: played 10 hours learning but 87 kills after finding silenced sniper

Play style avoid confrentation but deadly force will be used if provoked stealth long range

:age 15

skype/name Dark.maha1

thanks kohan for page layout idea

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hey im interested in joining, steamid: sulii12

current loadout: DMR+lots of ammo for long range, m14 AIM for zombies/if players get too close - NVGs, gps, coyote backpack most of the bells and whistles


playstyle:currently i play alone mostly so im really cautious trying to avoid bandit groups who want to rape me and steal my precious beans, which is fairly easy to do playing at night with NVGs

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Hey Stig,

By the looks of this i may be able to help you out.

I am compeltely geared with As50, l8ws, m9sd pistol, rangefinder NV, coyote backpack, in other words, every single item u can get lol..

Im 20 years old and have been playing for a few months (im experienced).

Im looking for a clan because i can not keep a vehicle on my own - as much as ive tried.

Anyway my steam is DimonatorZ with the username of Dimonator.


Edit: Just want to mention I've always played on verteran and expert servers - I like to be very careful and tactical, and i have learnt a lot of ins and outs in dayz ;)

Edited by Dimonator

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Hey Stig,

By the looks of this i may be able to help you out.

I am compeltely geared with As50, l8ws, m9sd pistol, rangefinder NV, coyote backpack, in other words, every single item u can get lol..

Im 20 years old and have been playing for a few months (im experienced).

Im looking for a clan because i can not keep a vehicle on my own - as much as ive tried.

Anyway my steam is DimonatorZ with the username of Dimonator.


Edit: Just want to mention I've always played on verteran and expert servers - I like to be very careful and tactical, and i have learnt a lot of ins and outs in dayz ;)

As tempting as it is to have a streamer in the clan, it's a huge risk, for us and for our vehicles/camp

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Have 68 hours logged in DayZ, quite experienced.

Never combat logged.

Just lost all my gear, planning on working from the bottom again.

I'm friendly unless shot at so chyeah.


Skype : treblett

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As tempting as it is to have a streamer in the clan, it's a huge risk, for us and for our vehicles/camp

Streamer? NONONO! MY steam is DimonatorZ. I dont stream lol.

Im geared and need a clan to get vehicles with :)

Edited by Dimonator

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Oh, I'm an idiot.

Yeah I'll add you now.

Haha! If u cant find me on steam let me know and ill add you.

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Age: 17

Pretty experienced, logged over 100 hours of DayZ, mostly playing with 1-2 friends or solo. Spend most of my time sniping. Currently been alive for 6-7 days, can't remember.

Current gear: DMR with plenty of ammo, m4a3 cco sd with also plenty of ammo, m1911, all tools, alice pack, med supplies, but no rangefinders or nvg's unfortunately.

Looking for a team/clan that can have a good joke, yet still play seriously and aren't afraid to engage in firefights if needed.

Playstyle: Cautious, yet always down for a good ol' firefight. Come from a background of competitive call of duty, so aim/awareness isn't a problem.

Steam: debartzz13

Skype: angelo.debartolo

Hope to hear from you soon :D

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My self and another from Australia wa are looking for other people to play with.

Steam is King sob

I own a dayz server, its hosted in the us, that your welcome to play on and a vent server that holds 20 people.

My old group of friends have sadly had there share of playing with hacks and have left :( and the games not as much fun with out a group.

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My self and another from Australia wa are looking for other people to play with.

Steam is King sob

I own a dayz server, its hosted in the us, that your welcome to play on and a vent server that holds 20 people.

My old group of friends have sadly had there share of playing with hacks and have left :( and the games not as much fun with out a group.

I just added you on steam.

Mind if I jump on your sever? Check out how everything is?

Edited by AussieStig

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Vehicles a server with 50 clan members is useless too me, and I already have all the gear I need personally, but I'm always down for a clean firefight.

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Vehicles a server with 50 clan members is useless too me, and I already have all the gear I need personally, but I'm always down for a clean firefight.

Excellent, will be in contact soon with the details and co ords of the base and further intel.

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Have 68 hours logged in DayZ, quite experienced.

Never combat logged.

Just lost all my gear, planning on working from the bottom again.

I'm friendly unless shot at so chyeah.


Skype : treblett

Hey, before you guys recruit this 16 year old guy, check out his little thread here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/76994-us-352-elektro-shooter/

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I'd really like to play with you guys, I sent you a message Stig but no reply.

Steam ID: niick_v

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