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Last Resistance - Recruiting - Final Thread

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Steam Username: Papadatos

Age: 17

You must have a microphone: I have one :)

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: For sure... easy

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave?: Nope never been in a clan, but travelled around in Cherno/Elektro with my mate :) good times... a lot of stories :D

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Is time difference going to be a problem? I live in Australia and I can see that you guys join a US server so just curious.

It might. We have other played in Uk ext. Had an Australian player left due to personal stuff.

Edited by DeadWalking

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Almost 15 starting game in a week or two

Alright, well. Sorry I can't have you but I hope you have fun in DayZ.

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Steam Username: Joseph

Age: 31

You must have a mic: yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yes

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? None/no

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: nope

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Steam Username: xxxdmdxxx

Age: 27

You must have a mic: duhhh :P

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yeah, just gotta download it.

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? ive been gaming since the days of doom and diablo. ive been in so many groups/clans i dont even remember.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: when do i start helpin'

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Steam Username: Joseph

Age: 31

You must have a mic: yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yes

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? None/no

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: nope

Steam Username: xxxdmdxxx

Age: 27

You must have a mic: duhhh :P

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yeah, just gotta download it.

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? ive been gaming since the days of doom and diablo. ive been in so many groups/clans i dont even remember.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: when do i start helpin'

Looking forward to playing.

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Steam Username: EV1L BUNNY 26

Age: 13 < im not going to be immature and ill listen to what you guys say

You must have a mic: yes I have turtle beach x12's and they are medium to high quality

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yes I already have team speak

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? no

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: i think the forum thread pretty much explained every thing I need to know.

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Steam Username: EV1L BUNNY 26

Age: 13 < im not going to be immature and ill listen to what you guys say

You must have a mic: yes I have turtle beach x12's and they are medium to high quality

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yes I already have team speak

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? no

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: i think the forum thread pretty much explained every thing I need to know.

Alright, well. I don't want to be a jerk. Just not accepting people that young. I do know there are many other clans that are =)

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Steam Username: Scott Pilgrim (It has no profile picture)

Age: 16, turning 17 on October

You must have a mic: I've got one

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Sure, I've never used it before though... but I'm willing.

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? I've been in clans before, I can't remember how many, maybe 4-5. 2 of those I lead myself. Most of them became inactive. One was lead to people betraying and taking over with force. It's a long story, but an interesting one nonetheless.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Not really, no.

EDIT: I should probably state I live in Malaysia. Timezone is GMT +8, I'm on at odd hours as well. Late nights, early mornings ect...

EDIT2: I realized that it might be hard to find my profile on steam so I added my current avatar to my Steam Avatar.

Edited by Scott Pilgrim

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Steam Username: Scott Pilgrim (It has no profile picture)

Age: 16, turning 17 on October

You must have a mic: I've got one

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Sure, I've never used it before though... but I'm willing.

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? I've been in clans before, I can't remember how many, maybe 4-5. 2 of those I lead myself. Most of them became inactive. One was lead to people betraying and taking over with force. It's a long story, but an interesting one nonetheless.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Not really, no.

EDIT: I should probably state I live in Malaysia. Timezone is GMT +8, I'm on at odd hours as well. Late nights, early mornings ect...

EDIT2: I realized that it might be hard to find my profile on steam so I added my current avatar to my Steam Avatar.

Looking forward to meeting you!

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looking to join a group

add me on steam


my names Darren im from UK and im 27



Oh, ok. Well not the app filled out but it does have information I need. I'll try to message you or contact you over steam.

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Steam Username: Sawyer7x7

Age: 16

You must have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Yes

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? No

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Nope

Sorry, do not think we can take you in. Sorry, not trying to be an ass to you.

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Now if people would like is to just hop on our TeamSpeak and check us out if they would like. Just throw a poke or message to a teamspeak Admin and let them know that you are an applicant and you're interested in playing. Though you must meet age requirements. Filling out the application first is your best bet of being contacted by me and joining still. Though if you just want to check us out first that's fine.

Edited by DeadWalking

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Steam Username:StayAlivePlayer11


You must have a mic: yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: I don't know what that is..haha.

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? Haven't been in one

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: How can we all know you aren't just going to meet up with us then kill us?

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Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: How can we all know you aren't just going to meet up with us then kill us?

You have to be serious? Really?

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Steam Username: [R.G.D.]Lcpl. AlphaWolf


You must have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yes

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave?: no I haven't been in a clan I would like to.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Do you have roles? Example : Do you got a engineer who is mainly on vehicle's or the sniper because I have thought of being a medical or something I'll likely carry the blood bags and morphine and have a light weapon I like to be supportive.

Also I don't rage when dying only pissed I act mature follow directions and have NEVER killed anyone I've been playing for along time. Also I'm American if it matters CA.

Edited by AlphaWolf

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Steam Username: [R.G.D.]Lcpl. AlphaWolf


You must have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yes

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave?: no I haven't been in a clan I would like to.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Do you have roles? Example : Do you got a engineer who is mainly on vehicle's or the sniper because I have thought of being a medical or something I'll likely carry the blood bags and morphine and have a light weapon in like to be supportive.

Also I don't rage when dying only pissed I act mature follow directions and have NEVER killed anyone I've been playing for along time. Also I'm American if it matters CA.

Looking forward to it.

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so to meet up we hop on teamspeak or ?:3

I have you on my steam. For an odd reason I did not write you down as a recruit, ext. Sorry mate. Watch for my messages on steam.

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Keeping the clan active as can be. We are now starting to play ACE/ACRE, this changes things up from the normal DayZ. We don't want to loose members, all of them are very loyal. But we are doing things to make it all more fun in ArmA

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