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Last Resistance - Recruiting - Final Thread

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Last Resistance


There's only us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart. We're surrounded by the Dead. We're among them -- and when we finally give up we become them! If Man does not stand together then we are lost. We have to fight back and liberate Chernarus from the dead, together.

We are The Last Of The Resistance.

Why we want more: The Last Resistance that consists of more then just the six guy's above is a mature an more older group of players seeking more. Reasons so is because Arma/DayZ can be enjoyed more with other's, more laughs, more fun and to be more serious give us more options to change the way we play. We do encourage older and mature player that are in there 18+ area to join. We do not have a problem with age, we have had members who are younger be an issue but it's not the case. Being of a younger age you will feel out of place, jokes you may not get and don't like the way we play. With more people in The Resistance we can in DayZ do more and be more safe.

The Last Resistance is strictly looking for more casual players. We play for fun, laughs and a good time. You don't play video games to stress out and be angry at other's for no reason. The Last Resistance is a place where you can make friends. Guy's who can help and support you, chatting. New to the game or not Last Resistance will help you out no matter. We survive by pulling together, no apart.

DayZ: The day the infected came to Chernarus and chaos had struck turning everyone against each other Last Resistance was formed. Players in DayZ whom where all at the beginning alone and had to fend for themselves.

Now we all play together as a group, working together, helping other survivors and each other. Never playing alone. We shoot other's when we feel threatened only. As a group the Last Resistance uses there tents in a different way then making camps. Same with vehicles. The Server The Last Resistance is on will not be posted on this thread for the time being. We are a group of guy's not the military with a rank structure. In game if you have a plan and we all agree we do it. We don't follow one man like a lost dog. There's one person who organising things, myself. In a group like ours, when you all get to know each other you no longer fight, argue. We work together. How people should.

Other game: We have found ourselves doing much more in Arma lately. It's a huge world and it should be explored by other players in DayZ. Scenarios, there's so many out there, CityLife and much more. Some have exchanged Origin account names an may play BF3 with each other to pass time. We play DayZ allot but there's allot of fun out there in Arma and we have been exploring it.

We are a group of guy's playing for fun and to have a good time; not playing serious

Completed Goals:

Establish Home Server: We have our very own server (North American Server)

Obtain Vehicles: Done

Base and Base of operation: Done

Help Survivors and Eliminate all Bandit Threats: Always needs doing

Website: In Construction

Banning Hackers: Always doing

You don't have to be alone surviving in Chernarus. There are other's out there hunting bandits and helping the survivors.

Applications: Please either post below or Pm me

Steam Username:


You must have a mic:

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3:

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave?

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?:

Contact Info:

This Account on the thread.

TeamSpeak 3 Info:

Steam: Valkyrie (Or Try) internalshade01

Home Server: N/A

Any other clan or small group who want's to work together can contact via through those ways.

Edited by DeadWalking
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I got to say... i hate your bastardization of a Walking dead quote. You sound like a good group of guys though.

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Steam Username: Silent_122

Age: 17

You must have a mic: yes but its not of the best quality

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yes already have it

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? yes... they were unorganized and didn't agree with each other

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: none you did great on explaining everything in the thread

Other Comments: i do have a job and my playing time will be limited..

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Steam Username: SkidmarksParks

Age: 16

You must have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yes

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? never had a dayz clan

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?:

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Steam Username: frailties


You must have a mic: Triton AX120's

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Never used it before, but ill give it a shot. I hate playing online with nobody to talk to.

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave?: No. Im a few days old to DayZ. But i have the basic mechanics and such under control. I just dont know why i aggro from 100m in crouch.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Not really. I just hope i get a reply from you guys, and that i get a chance. It seems to be that nobody likes to talk in DayZ. Thanks for reading. Let me know.

Edited by Bludgeoning

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Steam Username: Vinchenzo004

Age: 21

You must have a mic: Yup

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Yup

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? I've been in a lot, none of them at all good or organised in any way.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: I'll ask you in person.

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Steam name: Edwin IV

Age: 23

Mic: Yes

Willing to use TS: Yes

Have you been in a clan before: No

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Steam Username: death_hunter365


You must have a mic: YES

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: YES

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? My own clan, im still in it but not many people are active

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: NO questions

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Steam Username: olaternatum

Age: 15

You must have a mic: I have a mic.

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: I do have Team speak.

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? We agreed that it was best just to split up because we weren't working as a group.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Nothing really, add me on skype if need be "joshwelch14"

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Steam Username: KZK

Age: 20

You must have a mic: Yes Gaming Headset with mic

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Yes

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? Never been in a clan

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Ur clan looks cool


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I got to say... i hate your bastardization of a Walking dead quote. You sound like a good group of guys though.

Honestly. These where just ideas from other people that I combined.

I'll contact the people who posted apps.

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Other Comments: i do have a job and my playing time will be limited..

That's all right.

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Steam name: alan3000

Age: 34

Mic: Yes

Willing to use TS: Yes

Have you been in a clan before: No

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Steam Username: isurvives (dr_shamu)

Age: 21

You must have a mic: Yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Yes

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? I have not, but I have been in other games.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Lets have some fun? :D

Edited by Aaron B

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Steam Username:naturalxbl

Age: 18

You must have a mic: yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Yep

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? None

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?:None at the moment.

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How does one join, friends?

Read the thread. Fill out the application and I'll take it from there.

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Steam Username:naturalxbl

Age: 18

You must have a mic: yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Yep

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? None

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?:None at the moment.

Hope to see you soon.

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Steam Username:Flux pavillion (steam pic would be a chick hugging a dog)


You must have a mic:Yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3:yes

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave?: none

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: have none atm

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Steam Username:Flux pavillion (steam pic would be a chick hugging a dog)


You must have a mic:Yes

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3:yes

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave?: none

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: have none atm

See you soon.

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I have a mic.

Willing to use Team Speak

No past or present clans.

No questions.

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Re Applying.

Steam Username: Sleeping ----Picture is red with white scribble type lettering.---


You must have a mic: I do. Triton AX120.

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: I now have it and am willing to use.

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave?: No.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: None.

Comment: New gear. Enfield, 1911, Ghillie, Binocs.

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I have a mic.

Willing to use Team Speak

No past or present clans.

No questions.

Re Applying.

Steam Username: Sleeping ----Picture is red with white scribble type lettering.---


You must have a mic: I do. Triton AX120.

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: I now have it and am willing to use.

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave?: No.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: None.

Comment: New gear. Enfield, 1911, Ghillie, Binocs.

Hope to meet you see you soon.

Edited by DeadWalking

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Steam Username: Nodaki


You must have a mic: I do.

Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Just installed it--saw your listing in the DAYZ filter.

Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave?: No.

Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: None.

Edited by MDB

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