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banned from my own server somehow?

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I tried to log in today to my own server and I am banned. I have access to the bans.txt to remove myself but I can't find myself on the list. How do I find myself on the list? Do I need my GUID? If so where do I find that? I have tried looking for my ID using either of my arma 2/OA CD keys in there but it doesn't find anything. I am still able to play on other servers so it is not a global ban.

Please assist if you can!

When I try to join my own server it says I am banned.I have tried other servers and can play without any problems. Please HELP!!! Exact message is as follows: "You were kicked off the game.(Battleye Banned: (w4d9b2182 0x0f44d938))

Please fix this as there is no fucking reason I should be banned from my own server! What is going on?

Response from my support center = You have to remove yourself from bans.txt file.

I need my own GUID please post how to find it.

thanks so much!

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If its your server, then you can do what you want right? Or can you still get banned since your running under the DayZ global rules as well? I just assumed that the Admins were people involved in the payment of the servers and others who were tight with them. Ah well. Just happen to be browsing around.

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If it says "global banned" you got banned from battle eye for hacking/scripting

if it just says banned then i dont have a clue maybe you accidently banned yourself oneday :P ?

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no he has been banned cause he cheaten on an other server. this

Battleye Banned: (w4d9b2182 0x0f44d938)

is a community ban!

not a global one

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