Knightdemon 0 Posted August 18, 2012 Required:* Server this happened on.DayZ - UK210 ( (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) - [uTC - 6] [TAL] The Archavon Legacy Server* Time that it happened including your timezone.~ 22:35 BST* What happened during the incident.I re-spawned after being killed and went prone. I had just restarted my recording before re-spawning, which was lucky because I had prime position to see a hacker in action.Myself and another player were teleported to a new location, where a vehicle was spawned on top of the other player. I then told Jason that I was recording what he had done and that I was going to kick him. Which I then did.Here is the video from that short session, 25 seconds in is where the action starts. is the entry from the remoteexec.log fileremoteexec.txt17.08.2012 15:28:51: Jason ( fbaa6598703409a46e76aee28bcec34d - #0 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '5799044') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"17.08.2012 15:29:47: Jason ( fbaa6598703409a46e76aee28bcec34d - #0 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '5799044') then { _x hideObject false; }; } forEach playableUnits;"17.08.2012 15:33:27: Jason ( fbaa6598703409a46e76aee28bcec34d - #0 "if (isServer) then {_object = createVehicle ['ATV_CZ_EP1', [13385.9, 5471.31, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 2330.63, true];dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];_uid = _object call dayz_ob"17.08.2012 15:34:35: Jason ( fbaa6598703409a46e76aee28bcec34d - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};"17.08.2012 15:34:39: Jason ( fbaa6598703409a46e76aee28bcec34d - #0 "if (isServer) then {_object = createVehicle ['UAZ_CDF', [13420.1, 5574.02, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 3847.83, true];dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];_uid = _object call dayz_objec" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites