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Kicked off the game, all is updated.

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Whelp, I'm not waiting half a month to get my thread approved in the bug section so here it goes.

DayZ Commander is updated, Arma2 is updated, DayZ is updated, SixLauncher is updated, and the servers I play on are updated. However, when I play on the server, I get kicked off; "You have been kicked from the game". The guys I play with (my clan; [V]) say the message on the server says I was kicked because of either a wrong signature of changed files. I can't modify files because I'm a complete and utter retard when it comes to editing files and I have no idea what a wrong signature is.

Solution? I'd like to be able to play more than 2 out of the 10 times I try to get on for more than 2 minutes - literally.

PS: For the forum whores who wish to fling their dicks out and go all "Z0MG WRONGG SECTIONZ NOOB!", I posted two bug threads and neither was approved, but the problems were legitimate. So, I'm not going to wait for a mod to approve this.

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None of you intelligent incredibly helpful people have a clue of what the fuck is going on?

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Close up everything.

Restart computer

Disable "Dayz" in your expansions from the arma 2 OA main menu

Enable Dayz again, restart game... and be patient on the loading

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Also you could try (if you use steam) . Go to your game library. go to arma 2 Operation Arrowhead's properties by right clicking on it.. click the verify integrity of game cache under the local files tab.

THis will take a few minutes and download any files you may be missing

restart game and try

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