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i am a noob at dayz i just bought arma 2 combined operations, installed dayz joined a server evrything worked good but...

Walking is realy weird it doesnt go smooth (like in other peoples videos)

how do i get third person? (i now i can find this in the option menu but i cant for some weird reason)

Please help me if u can


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num pad enter.

if you can't then the server disabled it, go to other server if you want to play 3dp

Edited by DooM4MR

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Go to servers that have the words Recruit or Regular on them, You probably joined a server that has Veteran in its name. Veteran servers usually have 3rd person disabled. Recruit and Regular usually don't.

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Ok if ur walking weird ur probably dont have a good computer so u might need to lower ur settings if u press ESC. then options then video options there will be a quality preference click very low, or low and that should help (ur screen will go black dont worry it will return)

And to go into 3rd person join a server that is not veteran cuz people have 3rd person disabled and then when ur on a good server press the enter on ur number pad

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Oke thx i also have problems whit joining servers i keep getting stuck on loading after the character creation

any ideas?

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i also cant figure out how to go third person tried evrything the server says its on


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Numpad enter should do the trick with the 3rd person view, as for the weird walking: Turn of head bobbing and smoothing in the options :) should make it alot more pleasant!

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As far as going into third person, hitting the enter key on your number pad (way off to the right of the keyboard) toggles that.

As far as getting stuck on loading, the simplest and easiest fix is to download DayZ Commander, download the latest versions of Arma 2, the mod, and the application. Then, on the left side, you can choose your options for the game: Third-person on, tracing rounds, name-plates, etc. Above that are options to hide servers that don't accommodate you, such as ones with the wrong version of the mod, or those that require passwords.

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Okey evrything works now for some weird reason the third person key whas not bound to anything thx for all the help

il download dayz commander, but is it safe to download?

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