Reo 26 Posted May 29, 2012 At the moment I and my mates feel sick of searching and waiting for a server (we mainly play in groups). Full, bad ping, wrong time, etc.Now me and my mates joked around of getting an own server. It became serious and all were ready to pay a little to run our own.BUT, I told them it's not allowed to "make space" (kick) for members or admins. Suddendly I got to hear:- "wtf, why should I pay for something I can get for free?"- "paying without any advantages? forget it"Therefore the "own server idea" went down and DayZ lost a possible server.Could any1 explain why this is forbidden?Thanks in advance! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfpack81 5 Posted May 29, 2012 It's explained by Rocket in this post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reo 26 Posted May 29, 2012 Thanks for the link! Explains why it's not allowed. Unfortunately this prevents lots of people of paying for a server and giving more slots to the growing community.IMHO satisfied players (better chance to find a good server) outweights a few whining players who got kicked by some dickhead-admins. Especially in this early stage it's more important to let them play (new players probably go nuts, when looking for a server and stop) while players who got kicked will rage but not stop playing.As result of the more slots given to the community the whiners would probably cry less because it's easier to find a new one.Or am I wrong with this theory? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cptWaffelbert 10 Posted May 29, 2012 dude, i dont think he fucking cares, they only accept like 30% off the server people gives to them. if they accepted everybody it would be more then 800 serveres now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reo 26 Posted May 29, 2012 Wut? 1.) Do they cap the server amount with intention?2.) Do the 70% not fit to the rules?3.) Are they too busy to check the remaining 70%? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isomery 0 Posted May 29, 2012 You are completely right with your theory, Reo.First of all Rocket just explains his _point of view_! Everybody makes a rule out of it because he is the developer and everything a developer thinks, must be some kind of gold. Additional there is said you should not ban for a slot, so nearly everybody obviously cant read.Secondly is there a simple dependency: This Mod lives from its players. Without players, there is no money and no need to hurry up with the development. Players wants to play (duh) and for this you need servers - quite well geared servers. So if nobody would offer a server, there would just be a dozen of servers and 8000 ppl trying to get on them. That mark of ~8000 player would have never been reached without ppl paying for servers.Thirdly you as an admin have some rights. For example no third party can dictate you what you can or what you cannot. The only one who can ist your host and nobody else. Furthermore you can administrate the server and act as one thinks best.In orther words: You have the _right_ to kick for your guaranteed server slot. Means: If you are not allowed to kick nor ban it has to be in the license agreements. Fin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reo 26 Posted May 29, 2012 Well said, but I read that the server IP can be banned if u break the rules. Therefore you're indirectly forced to follow (not to kick).Cause a banned server is of no use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg-UK4 31 Posted May 29, 2012 You are completely right with your theory' date=' Reo.First of all Rocket just explains his _point of view_! Everybody makes a rule out of it because he is the developer and everything a developer thinks, must be some kind of gold. Additional there is said you should not ban for a slot, so nearly everybody obviously cant read.Secondly is there a simple dependency: This Mod lives from its players. Without players, there is no money and no need to hurry up with the development. Players wants to play (duh) and for this you need servers - quite well geared servers. So if nobody would offer a server, there would just be a dozen of servers and 8000 ppl trying to get on them. That mark of ~8000 player would have never been reached without ppl paying for servers.Thirdly you as an admin have some rights. For example no third party can dictate you what you can or what you cannot. The only one who can ist your host and nobody else. Furthermore you can administrate the server and act as one thinks best.In orther words: You have the _right_ to kick for your guaranteed server slot. Means: If you are not allowed to kick nor ban it has to be in the license agreements. Fin[/quote']Yes you have the "Right" to do whatever you please with the server.Rocket also has the "Right" to blacklist said server from HIVE for deviating from his publicized view on the matter.As he said, Hosting a server is what you want to do.Having access to HIVE is a privilege, one that can be revoked at any time.We need as server admins, a clear decisive rule-set, reactionary punishment to server admins is ridiculous when we don't know the rules in the first place! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cm. (DayZ) 28 Posted May 29, 2012 there are rules, see the thread that has been stickied here for over 2 weeks now?Too bad if you don't want to run a server because you can't kick for members. Same thing applies to all other servers and we (or at least I) don't have an issue with it. You're loss i'm afraid! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alfie (DayZ) 8 Posted May 29, 2012 You are completely right with your theory' date=' Reo.First of all Rocket just explains his _point of view_! [/quote']Actually, rocket is explaining how to not get black listed...Everybody makes a rule out of it because he is the developer and everything a developer thinks, must be some kind of gold. Rocket controls who is black listed.... hello? anyone there? Additional there is said you should not ban for a slot, so nearly everybody obviously cant read.I'm assuming that English isn't your native language because it's very clearly underlined that kicking for clan members is not allowed. I mean christ, I'll make it more clear for you. Forum thread title: Kicking of players for Clan members (the subject)Think about it, if we let server owners do this, what is stopping them from kicking someone who just killed them? What is to stop them kicking people for arbitrary reasons? Who polices this? The policy is in place because it makes sense.It's so clear as sunshine what his saying, but please, twist it how you like. Secondly is there a simple dependency: This Mod lives from its players. Without players, there is no money and no need to hurry up with the development. Players wants to play (duh) and for this you need servers - quite well geared servers. So if nobody would offer a server, there would just be a dozen of servers and 8000 ppl trying to get on them. That mark of ~8000 player would have never been reached without ppl paying for servers.This is true.Thirdly you as an admin have some rights. For example no third party can dictate you what you can or what you cannot. The only one who can ist your host and nobody else. Furthermore you can administrate the server and act as one thinks best.In orther words: You have the _right_ to kick for your guaranteed server slot. Means: If you are not allowed to kick nor ban it has to be in the license agreements. FinYup, you have the right to do whatever the hell you want on your own box under your agreement with your host. I mean, you haven't agreed to a contract with Rocket, But your actions still have consequences. It's up to Rocket who he allows to connect to his database, and who he doesn't. If you want to start breaking the "administrative tips" that Rocket has so kindly provided, you may find yourself unable to use his database, rendering the mod useless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkySwift 0 Posted May 29, 2012 You need to see the DayZ Mod like a new "OBT". Everybody can play but you have to follow some rules, in exchange Rocket let you have your own server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vipeax 318 Posted May 29, 2012 This Mod lives from its players. Without players' date=' [b']there is no money and no need to hurry up with the development. Heh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fenrix 9 Posted May 29, 2012 theres plenty of money vipeax, rocket just isnt crying for donations like alot of mods do. hed be rolling in it from people who feel like paying for something they play. but then he would have a responsibility to the donators.and that way is the way of the money men dictating what you do which rocket doesnt like.easy way to solve server rule issues btw. someone come up with a local database solution. then your not stuck using the hive.I dont see any of you whiners getting your hands dirty fixing what you see as a with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
demine0 43 Posted May 29, 2012 This Mod lives from its players. Without players' date=' there is no money and no need to hurry up with the development. [/quote']The development staff is allready underpaid, and overworked as it is. Where are you getting this idea that they're getting money? :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zogin 9 Posted May 29, 2012 The thing is I would rather the staff tell us what the viable solutions there are rather then reminding us on what is forbidden.What may we do to play as clan?Can we lock the server a short time and wait for people to leave by themselves before unlocking and letting (everyone including clansmembers in?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fenrix 9 Posted May 29, 2012 I think your only option would be to do what many do and announce a server restart when you want to play, tell your mates to start clicking ready and restart it. thats what most servers do but dont admit thats why they restarted it.and tbh thats not really an unfair thing anyway, everyone inside knows its going down and will be clicking rejoin just like your clan, its pretty much down to luck who gets in.its what people do now and most people do not seem to mind.tho that means once you have given your mates a chance to get in you dont restart it until they are all in. cos thats just lame.long as you give people enough time to be ready for restart and make up a good enough excuse when your restarting it. no one will care.or just turn it off and then on and fake a server crash, no one will even notice. :P and i have just outed about 95% of server hosts by saying those tecniques. good luck proving it devs :D no way to stop them doing that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted May 29, 2012 Secondly is there a simple dependency: This Mod lives from its players. Without players' date=' there is no money and no need to hurry up with the development. [/quote']There are only 2 flows of money in this community right now:New players -> Bohemia (via purchasing ARMA)Server Owners -> Server providersIn the future, when rocket breaks this game out into a commercial product (He has stated that this is the endgame), these server owners will still be out the hundreds they are paying per month, while Bohemia(assuming they are the dev/publisher of DAYZ THE GAME) and rocket rake in the cash. The players currently give NOTHING to the mod other than load testing, and are simply leeching VERY generous people's money, and then getting angry when that person wants to play on their own server, and they happen to be the one who gets kicked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZeroGravitySE 5 Posted June 9, 2012 Rocket is saving... I don't know... Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars a month by not paying for servers to maintain the population that has exploded in DayZ.Minecraft is pretty much an example of an explosive community. Its just that Rocket can't charge for his Modification yet, because we're all a bunch of guinea pigs for alpha. There is a lot of people defending the obvious also, which doesn't mean anything other than, derp.Devs also can't 100% control the people/servers. With or without hive. And if Rocket & team ever decide to power trip on a large portion of people donating the server, the game will get a bad rep and the news will spread. Sure people will still play. But its not like ideas don't get copied and IMHO rocket as a short window here before others start coming up with similiar ideas that are "better." You'll get and keep your fanboi following, but the community will fail. I've seen it way to many times in the past 20 years.Now that companies know there is a following for hardcore PvP/PvE again. You'll start seeing more hit the market. Maybe this year, but in the coming years there will be plenty to choose from. As of right now DayZ is DayZ and there isn't anything like it. But Arma 2 BLOWS as a game engine and I'm sure Arma 3 BLOWS as a game engine also. A company that is faster, stronger, smarter will come along and clean up on this idea. They just need server providers to donate servers, control them, and then give those companies free advertising. Bamn... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 27 Posted June 10, 2012 What about having reserved slots on a server? That way no one ever gets kicked off but your group will always be able to connect anyways.A 50 person server with three reserved slots would be as legal as a 47 person server with no reserved slots. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites