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SE 46 server thread

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Well I'm new on the DayZ forum, and I thought since I now have my "camp" at SE 46 and theres no official thread about this great server I should start one up. I thought this might be the place for frequent players to give their thoughts on the server. I am not i any way associated with the server admin/staff or whatever, I'm just a player that would not mind some community feeling around my favourite server. Sorry for bad english, I'm Swedish.

There has recently been some hackers/cheaters ruining the game at SE 46. If nessecary, would admin be willing to make the server password protected? I have understood that other servers have been successfully protected from hackers this way.

At the moment I have a few friends with me at this server. What other players roam around this server?

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There has recently been some hackers/cheaters ruining the game at SE 46. If nessecary, would admin be willing to make the server password protected? I have understood that other servers have been successfully protected from hackers this way.

At the moment I have a few friends with me at this server. What other players roam around this server?

Yep, we'll make it private special for you and your friends/

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Yep, we'll make it private special for you and your friends/

Um, the fact that the server is password protected only means that once a cheater gets access he will be spotted and banned. Emailing for password does not mean it will exclude all but a certain group of players. Just get the password if you want to play, and don't cheat if you want to keep playing. I've seen this work great on other servers so why not SE 46?

EDIT: The last few days there have been zero players on this server except for me and my friends, so if we wanted it isolated to ourselves I would not have made this thread.

Edited by ShaDDer

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Nice inititive to start this thread, I was about to start one myself :)

First of all, thank you shadder for that you like the server, thats the whole point in running it apart from my own and my friends pleasure, everyone should be able to enjoy it.

About passwording. The idea is good and I have been thinking of something in the same line. But... The server hosting rules clearly states that I am not allowed to do so, so I will not password the server and only let invited/approved players onto the server, even though that would sort out the bad apples.

Regarding that the server been pretty much empty the last two days when it's usually pretty much full 24/7 the only things I know of is I still run and I upgraded to a new beta patch, presumably the regular user uses sixlauncher and will not get the beta version without going to arma2.com and fixing it themselfs. Which many people might not know, I might downgrade the beta patch so it fills up again. Also I accidentally did something so the server halted the restart script at scheduled restart so the server was down some time. And I also noticed the server had not spawned tents/vehicles properly. This combination could account for the lack of players.

Also, the hackers is really destroying this game and there is not much I can do about it I'm afraid. I pretty much stopped battling them for a while when I used some 10 hours time chasing hackers without success. The tools to catch hackers is real poor and the arma 2 engines problem that it's "hacker-friendly" is simply too bad.

Best regards


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Atleast my tents seem to work... Have not checked all the new ones though. By the way: Last time I played (14 hours ago) it was pitch black on the server, instead of the usual 24/7 daylight.

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I've been playing on the server for a month now and did also notice sudden player drop, it's nice that you keep it as as the newest version is fucked. My tents save on your server so I intend to keep

my home there for a while.

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Is there a server restart schedule or something? I'm wondering because I have new tents up and don't want to risk losing my loot by putting it in before the server restarts. Iv'e looked at http://arma2.swec.se...ver/data/277233 and it seems the server has been up since 2012-08-17 05:23.

I hope player count will bounce back up soon, cheers.

Edited by ShaDDer

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As it would seem there is starting to join players again so I'm expecting it to be full tonight :)

Server restarts UTC+1 06:00 12:00 18:00 21:00 03:00.

BEC that does the scheduled restarts was in a bad state so I have now fixed that, will restart server in a few minutes. Thanks for pointing that out.

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Now the server has been down since 08:44. What's going on?

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Should have been up, was now when I checked it out, but it kept kicking players for battleye not responding and when I got in no tents or vehicles was spawned, restarted it and it looks ok now.


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Well it went up just as soon as I wrote my last post here. Spawned in at the coast instead of where I logged out, and one of the items I looted yesterday was gone. It was the M107 sniper rifle which I looted about an hour before I logged out yesterday (today, early morning). I still had everything else so this was very strange. Just now I got "session lost", seemed like the server restarted without warning.

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Hmm all my tents are gone. Will they reappear after server restart maybe? :unsure:

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Have not checked mine yet as I was teleported far on the beach after getting stuck on loading. :)

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Anybody got hit by 7.62*51mm flying their chopper tonight? :rolleyes:

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Nha, you missed it :P You need to go target practice :D

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Yeah I was too far ahead with my aim I think, over compensating for your movement. I have been looking for vehicle for weeks and suddenly you all fly past me. I felt like Robinson Crusoe lol.

Please tell me where the chopper is stored and let me take it for a spin. I'll put it back, I promise. :rolleyes:

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Karg, what's going on with the server lately? It's been offline all day. :|

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Server had a power outage, and it's not setup to go up by itself yet. Sorry about that.

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:o Why did Dance and you guys kill me after giving me the bus? Is it war you want? <_<

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LOL, ShaDDer. I cant believe you almost jacked my blue van, I leave there for 30 minutes to raid, then like I do not recall a BUS being there, then I see a ghillied guy in the driver's seat! And I'm not *Dance* :)

Edited by ZlobaRUS54

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We didn't do that, that would be kinda twisted after helping you, concidering there was only one more player except us online it must have been him (psycodad), dance reported seeing him in Gorka in a blue van and as I understand that must have been a short while after you got killed.

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It's funny how when there is like 5 players on the server 3 of them seem to be at pretty much the same place :D

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Yeah, it was a truly tragic coincidence that ShaDDer decided to park his Bus at the same place I left the Van 30 minutes prior, the Bus is still there btw.

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:o Why did Dance and you guys kill me after giving me the bus? Is it war you want? <_<

I headed straight back towards Gorka after I dropped you off. If I wanted to kill you I probably wouldn´t have driven you over half the map to where the bus was located :)

I even told you before I left that it wasn't us that had the blue van so you probably should have been more careful approaching it. If you take someone elses ride you might get shot. Hard but true.

But I feel your pain anyway, really unlucky to bump into ZlobaRUS54/Psychodad on an almost empty server. Hope you will find your stuff and the bus again.

Edited by TPS_Dance

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There where only Dance, me and TheGuyInTheGhillie on the server when I died.

I had never found a vehicle before, then I run into Dance who where friendly and drove me to a bus. There used to be a van also they said but it had been taken. I drove the bus and found the van, just checking it out taking some screenshots. Then out of nowhere I see you guys sneaking up on me so I just panicked and got in as driver. I never wanted to steal your van, just get home with my new bus.

Did you atleast leave the bus there or did you grab it too? None of the gear in it was mine but I would really like a vehicle for me and my group.

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